To address these issues, optical quantum research has focused on two main directions: 1) increase the quantum resource, and 2) reduce the device complexity to achieve scalable systems. In the first case, an immediate approach would be to boost the number of photons, which will in turn lead to larger entangled states [
8], similarly to the approach used for other quantum platforms [
10]. However, this comes with significant drawbacks, since the generation of optical entangled states is commonly achieved with photon pairs in probabilistic processes. As such, increasing the number of photons means incrementing the number of probabilistic sources, which lowers their efficiency. Furthermore, multi-photon states are highly sensitive towards losses and noise. The combination of these drawbacks has so far limited the generation of optical states to ten entangled photons [
6]. A different approach, that is unique and ideally suited for optical system, is to simultaneously exploit multiple modes (polarization, spatial, temporal, spectral) of fewer photons to achieve large optical quantum states [
13]. Optical frequency combs, which are broadband optical sources that have equidistantly-spaced spectral modes, directly suit this direction. Due to their well-defined spectral locations, frequency combs have served as extremely precise optical rulers, enabling a revolution in high-precision metrology and spectroscopy [
14]. Recently, the classical frequency comb concept has been extended to the quantum world for the preparation of non-classical states [
16]. This approach brings about many benefits, especially for the creation of large states. First, optical combs offer many experimentally-accessible frequencies within a single spatial mode, where photons of different wavelengths are transmitted together in a single waveguide. Furthermore, the intrinsic multi-frequency-mode characteristics enable the generation of many entangled quantum states simultaneously, with the density of these quantum channels controllable via the spectral mode separation. Finally, the frequency domain is complementary to other degrees of freedom, enabling the creation of even larger-scale quantum states. Quantum frequency combs have until now been utilized for the generation of heralded single photons [
21], as well as two-photon entangled states via the time [
25], path [
26] and frequency [
27] degrees of freedom. In addition, very complex states, e.g. cluster states [
29], and multipartite entangled states [
30], have been predicted and achieved for applications in quantum signal processing, including quantum logic gates [
27], and spectral linear optical quantum computation [