Basic concepts
Light “tagging”
Fig.1 (a) Mock speckle pattern generated to demonstrate signal with the ultrasound perturbation off. (b) A mock speckle pattern with the ultrasound perturbation on. (c) Example of frequency spectrum of output signal from light tagging in which there is the optical frequency (n0) and the side-bands shifted±the ultrasound frequency (na) |
Fig.2 Two coherent mechanisms that contribute to phase change in ultrasound modulated light. (a) Phase change due to the displacement of scatterers in which light scatters off of moving particles within the ultrasound beam and causes a change in direction. Inset shows scattering displacement of an ultrasound wave with amplitude A. (b) Refraction of light between two scattering events due to changes in index of refraction. Inset shows Dn along the ultrasound axis. (c) The third mechanism involving incoherent light propagation. The ultrasound perturbation causes a change in the density of the medium, which causes a change in the optical properties |
Fig.4 Using Eqs. (5) and (6), from the analytical model in which A = 0.1 nm, va = 1480 m/s, r = 1000 kg/m3, dn/dp = 1.466E−10 m2/N, n0 = 1.33, l = 500 nm, ms = 10 cm−1, L = 5 cm, and ka = 10000 m−1. Parameters were taken from Refs. [8,20]. (a) An example of the autocorrelation function (G). (b) Fourier transform of G with one of the peaks corresponding to the acoustic frequency fa0. (c) Example of In(nw) as a function of n (integer) in which the modulation depth in the example is M≈0.004. (d) Modulation depth with respect to ka with only the displacement component (Md), only the index of refraction component (Mn), and both components (Msum) considered. Modulation depth was calculated analytically and recreated from Refs. [12,20] |
Simulating ultrasound modulated light
Instrumentation and techniques
Tab.1 Summarization of AOT approaches and impact |
area | technique | approaches | challenge(s) addressed | Ref. |
ultrasound | dual ultrasound frequencies | two ultrasound foci | speed | [41] |
two-region transducer | determine Young’s modulus | [42–44] | ||
two ultrasound transducers | axial resolution | [45] | ||
pressure contrast | different pressure waves | determine scattering coefficient | [46,47] | |
second harmonic | ultrasound pulse sequences | resolution and SNR | [48–50] | |
planar waves | combined with image reconstruction | speed | [51] | |
HIFU | combined AOT and HIFU | monitoring HIFU | [47,52] | |
microbubbles | TRUME; pulsed laser speckle contrast detection; fluorescent microbubbles | resolution and contrast | [53–55] | |
acoustic radiation force | laser-speckle contrast analysis | track shear waves and estimate mechanical properties | [36,56–60] | |
optical | speckle contrast and modulation depth measurements | parallel speckle detection; speckle contrast; nanosecond laser pulses | obtaining modulated light measurements from speckle pattern | [61–65] |
incoherent light sources | LED light source; imaging chemiluminescent source; bioluminescence numerical model; fluorescent objects | observation of incoherent ultrasound modulated light | [21–23,66] | |
interferometry and heterodyne holography | CMOS smart pixel array and FT-AOI; lock-in camera | amplification of unmodulated light signal without background amplification | [67–69] | |
photorefractive crystal based detection | Sn2P2S6:Te crystal; ND:YVO4 crystal; Bi12SiO20 crystal; high numeric aperture fiber bundle; photorefractive polymer | detection of modulated or unmodulated light signal | [15,16,70–74] | |
phase conjugation with photorefractive crystals and polymers | TRUE with Bi12SiO20 crystal, photorefractive polymer, or Sn2P2S6:Te crystal, SLM | focus phase conjugated beam within a medium | [18,75–80] | |
focused fluorescent excitation | TRUE; combining SLM-based illumination and PRC-based detection; digital phase conjugation; TROVE light; iTRUE | fluorescent imaging beyond the ballistic regime (~1 mm) | [81–88] | |
quantum memory techniques | spectral hole burning; atomic frequency comb | filter sidebands of signal spectrum | [14,89–92] | |
misc. | acousto-optical coherence tomography | continuously applied light and ultrasound with random phase jumps | resolution and SNR | [93–96] |
combined with PAT | assist AOT:PAT guided ultrasound wavefront shaping | compensate for speed of sound aberrations | [97] | |
assist PAT:measuring fluence with AOT | compensate for fluence variations in PAT signal | [19,98,99] | ||
commercial | acquire dynamic blood flow measurements | clinical trials in humans | [100–102] |
Ultrasound techniques
Fig.5 Examples of concepts and generic configurations of the ultrasound portion of AOT. (a) Example of two frequencies (n1 and n2) forming a beat frequency (nb) with period Tb. (b) An ultrasound focus caused by two ultrasound transducers (UST) with beat frequency nb. (c) AOT configuration with two ultrasound (US) pulses of different pressure. (d) Pulse sequencing with inverted ultrasound pulses. (e) Planar wave imaging where the laser input is in the x-direction, ultrasound is propagating in the negative y-direction, and then the ultrasound is swept in the z-direction. (f) High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) used to create a lesion in the medium. (g) Imaging with microbubbles (MB) in which the microbubbles are destroyed with ultrasound which causes a change in the electric field that is detected. (h) An example of acoustic radiation force (ARF) imaging. Ultrasound propagation is in the z-direction. A shear wave propagates perpendicular (y-direction) to the ultrasound propagation. Laser light is illuminated through the shear wave (x-direction) |
Dual ultrasound frequencies to gain speed, mechanical properties, or resolution
Fig.6 Generic examples of optical configurations that have been utilized or developed. Each setup consist of laser illumination that travels through a sample that undergoes ultrasound perturbation. (a) Speckle imaging. (b) Heterodyne digital holography, which can be configured with an acousto-optic modulator so that the reference beam matches the tagged or untagged photons (untagged shown). (c) Photorefractive crystal based interferometry. (d) Phase conjugation with photorefractive crystals (PRC). (e) Phase conjugations with spatial light modulator (SLM). The signal from the sample is detected with detector array, which is processed with the PC, and displayed on the spatial light modulator. The reference beam reflects off the SLM and back into the sample where it is refocused into the ultrasound focus and detected. (f) Fluorescent imaging. Ultrasound propagation is in the z-direction. The light is illuminated through the ultrasound focus and the sample. The light is phase conjugated back and then detected. Detector can be placed on a different surface of the sample. (g) Spectral hole burning in a rare-earth crystal (REC). The crystal is first burned with a reference beam that had been tuned to the tagged photon frequency. Then the signal is transmitted through the sample and the tagged photons that pass through the REC are detected. (h) Acoustic optical coherence tomography. The ultrasound signal undergoes random phase jumps (FUS) between 0 and p. The laser light is also amplitude modulated and undergoes the same random phase jumps (F0) as the ultrasound but with a time delay (tdelay). UST: ultrasound transducer, US: ultrasound; BS: beam splitter, M: mirror, PRC: photorefractive crystal, R: reference, R*: conjugate of reference beam, SLM: spatial light modulator, PC: personal computer, AOM: acousto-optical modulator, REC: rare-earth crystal |
Pressure contrast to gain info on scattering coefficient
Ultrasound pulse sequences and second harmonic to gain resolution and SNR
Planar ultrasound waves to gain acquisition speed
High intensity focused ultrasound monitoring
Microbubbles to gain resolution and SNR
Acoustic radiation force to obtain shear wave velocity, elasticity, and viscosity
Optical techniques
Speckle contrast and modulation depth measurements
Detecting ultrasound modulated light with incoherent light sources
Interferometry and heterodyne digital holography to gain SNR or decrease acquisition time
Photorefractive crystal based detection to gain SNR, sensitivity, or imaging depth
Fig.7 Concepts behind the different crystals used in AOT. (a) Photorefractive crystal based interferometry: A reference beam (ER) is set to a specific wavelength (i.e., frequency of the ultrasound modulated light) and travels through the photorefractive crystal (PRC) so that ER is diffracted (ED) and matches the wavefront of the signal wavefront (ES) that has the same frequency as ER. (b) Photorefractive crystal (PRC) phase conjugation. An example of an incident light wave (ES) and how light is reflected off a mirror (ES′). The wavefront reverses direction and the part of the light wave that arrived at the mirror first is reflected back first. For PRC-based phase conjugation, a reference beam (ER) and its conjugate (ER*) are injected into the PRC with an incident wave ES moving to the left. The light wave is phase conjugated (ES*) in which the shape of the wavefront is retained and moves to the left. However, only the portion of ES that matches the frequency of ER and ER* will phase conjugated. (c) Spectral hole burning (SHB). For SHB, light of a specific frequency if filtered, while the rest of the light is absorbed by a rare-earth crystal (REC). The first step is to “burn” the crystal using a beam (EB) with a given frequency. For example, the REC can be burned with the modulated light frequency (optical wavelength (n0) plus the ultrasound frequency (na)). Ideally, only the signal that matches the frequency of EB will pass through the REC and be detected |