High power laser concepts
Photonic band crystal (PBC) concept and layer structure design
PBC waveguide with 15 pairs of PBC layers (structure A)
Fig.4 (a) Schematic drawing of layer structure of a 1060 nm PBC laser with 15 pairs PBC layers; (b) refractive index (solid line, top axis) and calculated near-field distributions of the fundamental (solid line, bottom axis) and first higher order (dashed line, bottom axis) mode along vertical distance; (c) calculated far-field distribution of the fundamental mode; (d) calculated optical loss (square) and confinement factors (circle) of the first 20 modes [32] |
Fig.8 (a) L-I-V characteristics and corresponding PCEs of a 5 µm and a 9 µm wide and 2.64 mm long RW lasers in CW mode at T = 20°C. Far-field distributions along with their Gaussian fits of the 5 µm (b) and 9 µm (c) wide RW laser in lateral and vertical directions at I = 2.0 and 2.6 A, respectively. FWHM beam divergence angles are indicated. The lasers are HR/AR coated |
Fig.9 (a) Lateral and vertical M2 of the 5 µm wide RW laser from Fig. 8 as a function of drive current in CW mode. Maximum brightness B is indicated; (b) brightness and astigmatism of the 9 µm wide RW laser versus drive current in CW mode at T = 20°C. M2lateral and M2vertical at maximum brightness are indicated |
Fig.10 (a) L-I curves and corresponding PCEs of a 6 µm wide and 2.64 mm long RW laser at T = 20°C to 80°C in 20°C steps; (b) lateral (bottom) and vertical (top) M2 of the laser as a function of drive current at different T; (c) measured astigmatism of the laser at different T versus drive current. The laser is HR/AR coated. All the measurements are performed in CW mode [34] |
PBC waveguide with 9 pairs of PBC layers (structure B)
Fig.11 (a) Refractive index (solid line, top axis) and calculated near-field distributions of the fundamental (solid line, bottom axis) and first higher order (dashed line, bottom axis) mode along vertical distance; (b) calculated far-field distribution of the fundamental mode; (c) calculated optical loss (empty square) and confinement factors (filled square) of the first 20 modes [33] |
PBC waveguide with 6 pairs of PBC layers (structure C)
Fig.16 (a) Al content versus vertical distance of the laser structure containing 6 pairs of alternating epitaxial layers and a defect layer with four QWs; (b) simulated near-field amplitude of the fundamental mode 1 (red curve) and the first higher order mode 2 (green); (c) doping concentrations Nd and Na of the Si donors (black) and C acceptors (green), respectively, with high doping of the graded interface layers; (d) calculated far-field distribution of the fundamental mode |
Fig.17 Comparison of the calculated current density versus drive voltage (a) for the structure C with 6 pairs (red curves) and structure A with 15 pairs (green) of alternating layers, 20 nm thick interface layers with the same doping level as in the adjacent layers (dashed) and a doping level of 2×1018 cm-3 (solid); (b) for the structure with 6 pairs of alternating layers and interface layers with a doping level 2×1018 cm-3 for thickness 0 nm (abrupt) (black dotted curve), 10 nm (green dashed), 20 nm (red solid), 50 nm (blue dotted-dashed) |
Fig.19 (a) L-I-V characteristics and corresponding PCEs of a 5 µm and a 9 µm wide RW laser with 2.64 cavity length at T = 20°C in CW mode. The laser facets are HR/AR coated; (b) far-field distributions of the 9 µm wide laser at different drive currents. FWHM beam divergence angles are indicated |