Novel types of photonic band crystal high power and high brightness semiconductor lasers

Md. Jarez MIAH, Vladimir P. KALOSHA, Ricardo ROSALES, Dieter BIMBERG

Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2016, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 225-237.

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Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2016, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 225-237. DOI: 10.1007/s12200-016-0624-1

Novel types of photonic band crystal high power and high brightness semiconductor lasers

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A novel type of high power edge-emitting semiconductor laser (SL) with extended vertical photonic band crystal (PBC) waveguide was reviewed. Simulations predict narrow beam divergence, resulting from the thick PBC waveguide, to be independent of realistic variations of the growth parameters. Narrow ridge lasers fabricated along the simulations indeed demonstrate superior output power, narrow beam divergence, circular beam profile, excellent beam quality and very low astigmatism. Efficient fiber coupling decisive for most applications was thus eased. Stability of the laser under a wide range of operating temperature was demonstrated. Ultrashort pulses with few ps of duration at GHz repetition rates were generated by passively mode locking the lasers.


semiconductor laser (SL) / edge-emitting laser / high brightness laser / narrow beam divergence / high peak power pulses

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Md. Jarez MIAH, Vladimir P. KALOSHA, Ricardo ROSALES, Dieter BIMBERG. Novel types of photonic band crystal high power and high brightness semiconductor lasers. Front. Optoelectron., 2016, 9(2): 225‒237


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The authors acknowledge support of the German Research Council (DFG) within CRC 787. We are grateful to T. Kettler for laser processing, J. Pohl and M. Weyers for growth of the laser structures.


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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