Fig.1 (a) Illustration of microresonator based optical frequency comb generation. A single pump frequency is converted to a broadband frequency comb by using a high-Q nonlinear microresonator. The comb line spacing () is determined by the free spectral range of the microresonator which is usually in the microwave frequency range; (b) optical frequency comb working as a gear that links optical frequency and microwave frequency (adapted from Ref. [35]) |
Microwave photonics for microcomb generation
Pound–Drever–Hall technique
Fig.2 (a) Scheme of PDH signal detection. The inset illustrates how the phase modulation is converted to intensity modulation after the light passes through the microresonator; (b) example PDH signal detected for a microring resonator. Upper: optical power after the microresonator; lower: PDH signal. The small dips and ripples marked in dash boxes are due to the sidebands scanning across the resonance |
Fig.3 Diagnosing the effective detuning in comb generation by detecting the PDH signal. The pump laser frequency scans across the resonance from the blue side (i.e., laser frequency higher than resonance frequency). (a) Optical power after the microresonator; (b) PDH signal. The PDH signal changes polarity at ~12 ms indicating a change of the effective detuning from blue to red; (c) a smooth frequency comb generated in the effectively red detuned region corresponding to a single bright soliton propagating in the microresonator. The inset shows the narrow-linewidth beat note of adjacent comb lines (adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Photonics [41], copyright 2014). FWHM: full-width at half-maximum; RBW: resolution bandwidth |
Microresonator coupling condition test
Fig.4 Testing the microresonator coupling condition. The optical transmission is transferred to the electrical domain by sweeping the microwave modulation frequency. (a) Experimental setup; (b) and (c)examples of measured amplitude and phase responses when the resonance is over-coupled and under-coupled (adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Photonics [42], copyright 2015) |
Fig.5 Reconstruction of the intracavity time-domain waveform through line-by-line shaping and pump correction at a through port. (a) Comb spectrum and phase profile. The red circles are retrieved through line-by-line shaping. The green triangles correspond to additional comb lines that fall outside of the pulse shaper operating band, and are estimated based on symmetry about the pump line. The black cross is the intracavity pump phase estimated by considering the nonlinear loss induced by comb generation and the cold cavity coupling condition; (b) reconstructed intracavity waveform showing a complex dark pulse. Inst. freq.: instantaneous frequency (adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Photonics [42], copyright 2015) |
Parametric seeding
Fig.6 Optical clock based on parametric seeding of a microcomb. (a) Experimental setup; (b) change of comb line beat notes with the seeding frequency. The region with a single beat note is injection locked; (c) comb spectra after the microdisk resonator (upper) and after the highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) (lower); (d) optical clock output in a>12 h period. For comparison, published Rb spectroscopic data on the D2-D1 difference divided by 108 has been subtracted. The solid [48] and hatched [49] gray regions represent previous data (adapted from Ref. [20]). EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; BPF: bandpass filter; BRF: bandreject filter |
Microcomb generation for microwave photonics
High spectral purity microwave generation
Fig.7 High spectral purity microwave generation with a microcomb. (a) Spectrum of the microwave signal measured with 9-Hz resolution bandwidth; (b) spectrum of the frequency comb generating the microwave signal; (c) single-sideband (SSB) phase noise of the microwave signal without (red line, (1)) and with (blue line, (2)) a narrow-band radiofrequency filter placed after the photodetector. The measured noise at offset frequencies below 1 kHz and above 10 MHz are within 3 dB of the noise floor of the microwave phase noise measurement system used. The other curves are: (3) theoretical thermo-refractive noise; (4) quantum noise; (5) sensitivity of the phase noise measurement system. The inset shows Allan deviation of the microwave signal (adapted from Ref. [21]) |
Microwave photonic signal processing
Fig.8 MPF based on a microcomb. (a) Experimental setup. FPC: fiber polarization controller; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; MZM: Mach-Zehnder modulator; TDL: tunable delay line; SMF: single-mode fiber; PD: photodetector; (b) comb spectrum after the microring; (c) shaped comb spectrum after pulse shaper 1; (d) single-passband RF transfer function that is configured to a flat-top by programming pulse shaper 2. The center frequency is tuned between 0-20 GHz by changing the tunable delay line (adapted from Ref. [22]) |