Recent advances in integrated optical directed logic operations for high performance optical computing: a review

Ciyuan Qiu, Huifu Xiao, Liheng Wang, Yonghui Tian

Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2022, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1) : 1.

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Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2022, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1) : 1. DOI: 10.1007/s12200-022-00001-y

Recent advances in integrated optical directed logic operations for high performance optical computing: a review

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Optical directed logic (DL) is a novel logic operation scheme that employs electrical signals as operands to control the working states of optical switches to perform the logic functions. This review first provides an overview of the concept and working principle of DL. The developing trends of DL computing are then discussed in detail, including the fundamental optical DL gates, combinational optical DL operations, reconfigurable logic computing, low power optical logic computing, and programmable photonic network. The concluding remarks provide an outlook on the DL future development and its impacts in optical computing.

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Optical computing / Directed logic (DL) / Optical switch

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Ciyuan Qiu, Huifu Xiao, Liheng Wang, Yonghui Tian. Recent advances in integrated optical directed logic operations for high performance optical computing: a review. Front. Optoelectron., 2022, 15(1): 1


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