Acupuncture-related techniques for the treatment of opiate addiction: a case of translational medicine
Received date: 11 Mar 2011
Accepted date: 11 Apr 2011
Published date: 05 Jun 2011
Drug addiction is a chronic brain disorder characterized by withdrawal symptoms that occur during drug abstinence and a high tendency of relapse. Compared with the currently available pharmacological interventions, acupuncture therapy has the potential to help drug addicts stay away from drugs without major adverse side effects. It has taken decades of research to optimize the parameters of electrical acupoint stimulation for detoxification and for relapse prevention, as well as to establish a safe and easy procedure by which drug addicts can use it on themselves. The discovery that acupuncture can trigger the release of opioid substances from the brain in the 1970s provided the inspiration. Following this, basic research on animals made it possible to understand the mechanisms of action and establish the procedure for treating drug addictions. This article reviews the past, present, and foreseeable future regarding the use of acupuncture-related technique for the treatment of opiate addiction from the perspective of translational medicine.
Jisheng Han , Cailian Cui , Liuzhen Wu . Acupuncture-related techniques for the treatment of opiate addiction: a case of translational medicine[J]. Frontiers of Medicine, 2011 , 5(2) : 141 -150 . DOI: 10.1007/s11684-011-0136-8
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