1 Introduction
Tab.1 A summary of the review studies about EIIs decarbonisation |
Ref. | Review scope | Main conclusions |
[12] | • Extensive review about the CO2 capture technologies applied to three industries, iron and steel, cement, petroleum refineries and petrochemicals;• Techno and economic assessment of the technologies, based on standardisation of performance parameters;• Estimation of potential reduction of CO2 emissions and respective costs for what they categorised as short/medium term and long term technologies. | • No dominant technology for any of the industries analysed;• The costs could be so diverse that for the cement industry, they could vary from 29.2 to 141.5 avoided when the carbon capture is obtained by calcium looping applied to the pre-calciner or by absorption with monoethanolamine, respectively;• Short-mid-term technologies may have a cost of 43.2−70.2, above 70.2 and 54.0−64.8 avoided in the iron and steel, cement and refining industries, respectively;• Long-term technologies could be achieved at lower cost, 32.4−59.4, 27.0−59.4 and 32.4 avoided in the iron and steel, cement and refining industries, respectively;• The economic feasibility of these technologies is strongly dependent to the power market once the excess electricity produced is exported to the grid. |
[14] | • Overview of CO2 capture, transport and utilisation;• Comparison of efficiency, energy consumption and technical viability of the main routes available for CCS;• Assessment of environmental impact of CCS technologies;• Summary of the largest CCS projects worldwide. | • At that time, there was no best CCS technology, but gas separation by membranes and solid looping cycles were seen as promising technologies;• The CO2 use as a raw material could have an effective contribution to a decrease in CO2 emissions. |
[10] | • Brief review about the costs of CCS application to five industries, iron and steel, cement, refinery, biomass and high purity sources. | • Unlike the power industry and due to the heterogeneity of the processes involved in petrochemical industries, the costs could reach 150.9 avoided;• The cost of cement decarbonisation could be as low as 17.2 avoided when calcium looping is employed;• In the cement and iron and steel industries, which involve high-temperature processes, the integration of solid looping cycles seems to be the distinctive solution for the deep decarbonisation of these two industries. |
[15] | • Comprehensive review about decarbonisation of three industrial industries, iron and steel, cement and refineries;• Review of the energy-efficient technologies in these industries as well as the potential of their implementation;• Assessment of different routes for these industries decarbonisation;• Discussion about the policies that should be adopted as a strategy to mitigate CO2 emissions. | • An energy/emissions monitorisation system should be implemented and the best available technologies;• Fuel switching, CCS capture, co-location of industries and re-design of the processes were proposed as routes for these industries decarbonisation;• The replacement of fossil fuel by biomass and wastes should be encouraged and CCS should be seen as an option for deep decarbonisation. |
[13] | • Exhaustive review about different CCS technologies employed in five industries, iron and steel, cement, refining and petrochemical, pulp and paper and high purity sources;• Technical and economic assessment of these technologies;• A mathematical model was proposed to estimate the costs of CCS implementation until 2050;• A sensitivity analysis was also performed. | • The studies about the costs of CCS implementation were scarce and practically non-existent for the pulp and paper industry;• Costs in the other industries could vary from 17.8−106.8 avoided, which contributes to a high economic uncertainty associated with these technologies and consequently to the delay of its commercialisation;• Delaying CCS implementation will lead to higher costs. |
[8] | • Review of technologies and policies available to reduce CO2 emissions in pulp and paper, iron and steel and cement. | • The biomass conversion in heat and power for the pulp and paper plant seems to be the key to decarbonise this industry;• Unlike the previous industry, in the steelmaking process and refining industry, there is not a dominant route although the replacement of fossil fuel by BECCS is mentioned [28];• In the cement industry, the carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) employing calcium looping is the most straightforward route to decrease CO2 emissions;• Even though some of the technologies are near commercial, policies and incentives to research must be put in practice to reach the Paris agreement targets. |
[11] | • Evaluation of carbon capture utilisation (CCU) technologies as well as the potential of use pre- and post-combustion capture in the thermal power, Ells and other industries;• Detailed list of commercial projects where carbon capture was already implemented and proved that is a feasible option in the CO2 emissions abatement. | • The CO2 utilisation in conjunction with the use of incentives in implementing carbon capture technologies must be seen as a route to follow. |
[5] | • Comprehensive review of decarbonisation of seven industries, iron and steel, cement, petrochemical, pulp and paper, ceramics, glass and food;• Roadmap for the deep decarbonisation of these industries and their potential to reach the imposed targets until 2050. | • CCS, biomass and bio-based waste, process heat provision, alternative feedstock, electrolysis, combined heat & power (CHP), industrial ovens and membrane process were the main routes identified;• CCS was the only trans-sectional option that had the potential to mitigate the CO 2 emissions with a potential between 25% and 55% for total decarbonisation;• All the work done so far is not enough for deep decarbonisation and there is no yet a dominant technology being necessary to develop new technologies. |
[16] | • Review of technologies and policies to reach net GHG emissions by 2050−2070 in the cement, iron and steel, chemical, and plastics industries. | • Use of mineral and chemical admixtures, re-design building techniques to decrease the demand for concrete, improvement of the thermal efficiency of processes during cement production, fuel switching, electrification of cement kilns and CCS were the main options to full decarbonisation of cement industry;• In the iron and steel industry, the implementation of CCS and the replacement of fossil fuels by hydrogen or direct electrolysis were the main paths for reducing the CO2 emissions of this industry;• Development of clean processes, by avoiding the use of fossil fuels, the use of biomass feedstocks and recycled chemicals, and the use of CO2 as feedstock, the improvement of separation technologies and CCS were identified as the main routes to decarbonise the chemical and plastics industry;• Although the low carbon technologies will become cheaper, they are not enough for deep decarbonisation across the studied industries. Certain policies such as carbon pricing, government incentives for research, development and deployment, and energy efficiency or emissions standards should be adopted. |
[17] | • Review of technical options, policies and barries to decarbonise the iron and steel, mining, cement and refinery industries, taking the Swedish case as reference. | • Electrification, fuel switching to low carbon fuels, CCS and when possible, a fossil free production are necessary deep decarbonisation of EIIs;• The use of less raw materials, improvement of material efficiency and implementation of circular economy were also identified as decarbonisation pathways;• There is necessary keep going development of decarbonisation technologies and its test at large scale in order to reach the commercial viability;• The incentive of low carbon technologies should be a priority, which can be achieved by implementation of new policies and incentives. |
[9] | • Comprehensive review of decarbonisation of five industries, iron and steel, cement, petrochemical, pulp and paper and hydrogen;• Techno and economic assessment of the technologies CCS or BECCS based on a standardisation of performance parameters;• Estimation of CO2 mitigation potential and respective costs. | • CCS only had the CO2 mitigation potential up to 74% however, this figure could reach the 2548% for BECCS implementation in pulp and paper industry;• The iron and steel, pulp and paper and hydrogen could become carbon negative industries;• These results could be achieved with a CO2 avoided cost lower than 100 ;• There were some discrepancies in literature regarding the potential and the economic assessment of the reviewed technologies. |
2 Overview of CCS
2.1 Solid looping cycles
2.1.1 Chemical looping
2.1.2 Calcium looping
3 Carbon capture for decarbonisation of EIIs
3.1 Considerations
3.2 Iron and steel industry overview
3.2.1 Chemical absorption (post-combustion amine scrubbing)
3.2.2 Physical absorption (Selexol)
3.2.3 VPSA
3.2.4 Solid looping cycles
3.2.5 Discussion
Fig.6 Techno-economic performance of different CO2 capture technologies for decarbonisation of iron and steel industry: equivalent energy consumption vs. mean CO2 avoided cost (Error bars represent the range of figures found in the literature. The bubbles without error bars have only one source. The area of each bubble is proportional to the number of studies reviewed). |
3.3 Cement industry
3.3.1 Chemical absorption (post-combustion amine scrubbing)
3.3.2 Oxy-fuel combustion
3.3.3 Solid looping cycles
3.3.4 Discussion
Fig.8 Techno-economic performance of different CO2 capture technologies for decarbonisation of cement industry: equivalent energy consumption vs mean CO2 avoided cost (Error bars represent the range of figures found in the literature. The area of the bubble is proportional to the number of works reviewed). |
3.4 Petroleum refining industry
3.4.1 Chemical absorption (amine scrubbing)
Tab.2 CO2 capture rate, equivalent energy consumption and cost of CO2 avoided for post- and pre-combustion |
Item | Post-combustion | Pre-combustion | |||
Short-term | Long-term | Short-term | |||
Refineries | CO2 capture rate/% | 86–85 | 89–79 | 82–72 | |
Equivalent energy consumption /( ) | 3.4–4.0 | 2.6–3.3 | 1.1–1.2 | ||
Cost of CO2 avoided/( ) | 78.3–82.4 | 71.1 | 89.6–92.7 | ||
Chemical plants | CO2 capture rate/% | 80–84 | 80–88 | 100 | |
Equivalent energy consumption/( ) | 4.7–4.0 | 3.3–2.1 | 1.1 | ||
Cost of CO2 avoided/( ) | 94.8–120.5 | 83.5–98.9 | 117.5–172.1 | ||
Steam reforming H2 plant | CO2 capture rate/% | 80 | 89 | 56 | |
Equivalent energy consumption/( ) | 5.8 | 4.8 | 3.1 | ||
Cost of CO2 avoided/( ) | 117.5 | 101.0 | 62.8 |
3.4.2 Oxy-fuel combustion
Tab.3 CO2 capture rate, equivalent energy consumption and cost of CO2 avoided for oxy-fuel combustion |
Item | Short-term | Long-term | |
Refineries | CO2 capture rate/% | 65–73 | 70–76 |
Equivalent energy consumption/( ) | 2.6–2.8 | 1.9–2.2 | |
Cost of CO2 avoided/( ) | 53.6–58.7 | 24.7–31.9 | |
Chemical plants | CO2 capture rate/% | 100–95 | 100–88 |
Equivalent energy consumption/( ) | 2.7–3.9 | 2.2–5.2 | |
Cost of CO2 avoided/( ) | 82.4–127.8 | 38.1–74.2 |
3.4.3 Discussion
Fig.10 Techno-economic performance of different CO2 capture technologies for decarbonisation of petroleum refining industry: equivalent energy consumption vs mean CO2 avoided cost (Error bars represent the range of figures found in the literature. The area of the bubble is proportional to the number of works reviewed). |
3.5 Pulp and paper industry
3.5.1 Chemical absorption (post-combustion amine scrubbing)
3.5.2 Solid looping cycles—calcium looping
3.5.3 Discussion
Fig.12 Techno-economic performance of different CO2 capture technologies for decarbonisation of pulp and paper industry: equivalent energy consumption vs mean CO2 avoided cost (Error bars represent the range of figures found in the literature. The bubble without error bars has only one source. The area of the bubble is proportional to the number of works reviewed). |