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Plasma for cancer treatment: How can RONS penetrate through the cell membrane? Answers from computer modeling
Received date: 15 Jul 2018
Accepted date: 14 Oct 2018
Published date: 15 Jun 2019
Plasma is gaining increasing interest for cancer treatment, but the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Using computer simulations at the molecular level, we try to gain better insight in how plasma-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) can penetrate through the cell membrane. Specifically, we compare the permeability of various (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) RONS across both oxidized and non-oxidized cell membranes. We also study pore formation, and how it is hampered by higher concentrations of cholesterol in the cell membrane, and we illustrate the much higher permeability of H2O2 through aquaporin channels. Both mechanisms may explain the selective cytotoxic effect of plasma towards cancer cells. Finally, we also discuss the synergistic effect of plasma-induced oxidation and electric fields towards pore formation.
Annemie Bogaerts , Maksudbek Yusupov , Jamoliddin Razzokov , Jonas Van der Paal . Plasma for cancer treatment: How can RONS penetrate through the cell membrane? Answers from computer modeling[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2019 , 13(2) : 253 -263 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-018-1786-8
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