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Characterization of landfilled stainless steel slags in view of metal recovery
Received date: 07 Sep 2016
Accepted date: 31 Mar 2017
Published date: 23 Aug 2017
The slag samples taken from landfill, which originated from different metallurgical processes, have been characterized in this study. The slags were categorized as electric arc furnace (EAF) slag, argon oxygen decarburization/metal refining process slag and vacuum oxygen decarburization slag based on chromium content and basicity. EAF slags have higher potential in metal recovery than the other two slags due to its higher iron and chromium contents. The size of the iron-chromium-nickel alloy particles varies from a few µm up to several cm. The recoveries of large metal particles and metal-spinel aggregates have potential to make the metal recovery from landfilled slags economically viable.
Xuan Wang , Daneel Geysen , Tom Van Gerven , Peter T. Jones , Bart Blanpain , Muxing Guo . Characterization of landfilled stainless steel slags in view of metal recovery[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2017 , 11(3) : 353 -362 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-017-1656-9
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