Journal updates

Call for papers: Food Systems Transformation Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Shenggen Fan

Dear Colleagues,


Within the context of COVID-19 pandemic, the global food systems are still facing major interrelated challenges, including climate change, extreme weather events, natural resource depletion, biodiversity loss, emerging diseases, and trade shocks, which put threats to food security worldwide. The number of global population lacked access to adequate food shapely increased during the pandemic. Reduced incomes, food price spikes, and compounded multi-challenges will lead to severe and widespread increases in global food insecurity, affecting vulnerable households in almost every country. Addressing these challenges will require a transformation towards a more efficient, healthy, sustainable, resilient, and inclusive food systems.


We are therefore organizing a special issue of Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE, entitled “Food Systems Transformation”. As a rapidly developing interdisciplinary subjects, food systems transformation demands holistic research from multiple disciplines.  


The special issue invites submission of original and innovative papers as well as reviews and opinion pieces relevant to food systems transformation such as:

1. Agricultural and food policies

2. Nexus between nutrition, food and environment

3. Food waste and loss

4. Multi-win technology innovation, adoption and diffusion

5. Food production and consumption

6. Gender equity, youth incentive and smallholders

and all other relevant topics


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering collects innovative papers that advance the understanding of scientific, technological/engineering, socio-economic, institutional/policy, and management factors that drive current and future agricultural productivity and sustainability globally. It is an open-access journal published quarterly with no page charges. The Editor-in-Chief of FASE is Academician Prof. Fusuo Zhang, based at China Agricultural University. The associate Editors-in-Chief comprise Hans Lambers from the University of Western Australia, Shenggen Fan and Yaofeng Zhao from China Agricultural University, Oene Oenema from Wageningen University, William J. Davies from Lancaster University and Peter Vitousek from Stanford University. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by experts of international standing.


In view of your international standing as a research scientist, we cordially invite you to write a review or research paper for this special issue related to one of the topics listed above with a due day of 15 September 2022. We look forward to receiving a positive response and a one-page abstract from you before you start to draft the article. Please submit your manuscripts through the FASE online submission system at and marked the “Special Issue: Food Systems Transformation” in your letter or manuscript. The editors will strive to complete the first review process within 1–2 weeks and give you a quick response.



Shenggen Fan

Guest Editor

Dean, Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy

Chair Professor , China Agricultural University

College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China



Ting Meng

Guest Editor

Associate Professor, China Agricultural University

College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China

Pubdate: 2022-07-11    Viewed: 719