Journal updates

Special Issue on Animal Genetics and Breeding

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE), 2017

Background,Objectives and Scope
With the development of genetic theoretics and technologies, major progress has occurred in the field of animal genetics and breeding. However, various challenges will remain to be faced, in quantitative genetics theory, in the evaluation of gene effects, in the maintenance of genetic variation, and considering possible future changes in the economic framework of animal breeding operations.

In order to share frontier research achievements and discuss the scientific challenges in this field, we plan to organize and publish a Special Issue on Animal Genetics and Breeding in Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE).

Authors are invited to submit letter, original research and critical review papers. In this special issue, we welcome
contributions on:

   1. Genome editing
   2. Genomic selection
   3. Functional genomics
   4. Evolutionary genomics
   5. Genetics of complex traits
   6. Population genomics

Submissions open: 1 October 2016 –31 December 2016
Decision deadline: 31 December 2016
Expected publication date: March 2017

About the Journal and Submission Procedure

Published by Higher Education Press, Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE) is an open access journal published both in print and online. More information of the journal is available at

Manuscripts will be reviewed with the same rigor as for other submissions to FASE. Please submit your manuscripts through the FASE online submission system at and refer to the “Special Issue-Animal Genetics and Breeding” in the “Cover Letter”. The editors will strive to complete the review process within two months upon receipt of the submissions for rapid publication.

Guest Editor:
Jun Ren
Jiangxi Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Pig Genetic Improvement and Production Technology
Address: Lushannan Road, 888, Nanchang, China
Phone: 86-791-83813080; Fax: 86-791-83813080; E-mail:

Pubdate: 2016-10-12    Viewed: 865