Soil–plant–microbe interactions in the rhizosphere: incremental amplification induced by localized fertilization
Liyang WANG, Dan LIAO, Zed RENGEL, Jianbo SHEN
Soil–plant–microbe interactions in the rhizosphere: incremental amplification induced by localized fertilization
● Plants can respond to heterogeneously distributed nutrient resources by enhancing root foraging capacity. | |
● Incremental amplification of root foraging for nutrients induced by localized fertilization was proposed. | |
● Incremental effects from the roots/rhizosphere to the plant-soil system conserve resources and reduce the environmental footprint of agricultural production. |
Localized fertilization strategies (banding fertilizers) developed to minimize nutrient fixation by soil are used widely in intensive agricultural production. Localized fertilization encourages root foraging for heterogeneously distributed soil nutrients. This review focuses on the advances in root growth and nutrient acquisition of heterogeneously distributed soil resources. It is proposed that the incremental amplification of root foraging for nutrients induced by localized fertilization: (1) increased absorption area due to altered root morphology, (2) enhanced mobilization capacity underpinned by enhanced root physiological processes, and (3) intensified belowground interactions due to selective stimulation of soil microorganisms. The increase in root proliferation and the nutrient mobilization capacity as well as microbiome changes caused by localized fertilization can be amplified stepwise to synergistically enhance root foraging capacity, nutrient use efficiency and improve crop productivity. Engineering the roots/rhizosphere through localized, tailored nutrient application to stimulate nature-based root foraging for heterogeneously distributed soil nutrients, and scaling up of the root foraging capacity and nutrient acquisition efficiency from the rhizosphere to the field offers a potential pathway for green and sustainable intensification of agriculture.
Incremental amplification / localized fertilization / root/rhizosphere engineering / high nutrient-use efficiency
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