Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou County
Fanlei MENG, Menru WANG, Yong HOU, Lin MA, Wenqi MA, Xuejun LIU, Fusuo ZHANG, Wen XU
Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1) : 113-121.
Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou County
● The framework of multi-objective nitrogen (N) management was developed.
● Multi-objective targets were established to support agriculture sustainable production.
● A food chain approach was developed to accurately quantify N flow in food system.
● “3R” principle was used in developing N management strategy.
● The collaboration with different stakeholders is crucial for promoting technologies.
Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for food production. The rapid increase in population requires high inputs of N to meet the growing food demand. If not managed well, the substantial loss of N from the food system has multiple impacts on grain yield, air and water pollution, and the economic benefits of agricultural. Multi-objective (food security, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability) synergistic consideration of N management in the food system is still lacking. This study employed strategies for optimizing N management in the food system, using Quzhou County as a typical example on the North China Plain. Firstly, a food chain approach was adopted to understand drivers and reasons behind N losses from the food system. Secondly, a top-down approach was used to define multi-objective N management, taking into consideration food security, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. Multi-objective N management aims to reduce N losses to the environment and increase N use efficiencies, while simultaneously increasing yields and economic benefits. Thirdly, 3R (reduce-retain-recycle) N management strategies were identified for specific crops and animals through a bottom-up approach and then analyzed the potential of these strategies to achieve the multi-objectives. Finally, there is a discussion of how to engage different stakeholders to promote the technologies implementation. This study provides new insights into the synergistic achievement of multi-objective N management in the food system and the development of environmentally-friendly agriculture.
Agriculture green development / food system / multi-objective / nitrogen management
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