Sarah BUCKINGHAM, Cairistiona F. E. TOPP, Pete SMITH, Vera EORY, David R. CHADWICK, Christina K. BAXTER, Joanna M. CLOY, Shaun CONNOLLY, Emily C. COOLEDGE, Nicholas J. COWAN, Julia DREWER, Colm DUFFY, Naomi J. FOX, Asma JEBARI, Becky JENKINS, Dominika J. KROL, Karina A. MARSDEN, Graham A. MCAULIFFE, Steven J. MORRISON, Vincent O'FLAHERTY, Rachael RAMSEY, Karl G. RICHARDS, Rainer ROEHE, Jo SMITH, Kate SMITH, Taro TAKAHASHI, Rachel E. THORMAN, John WILLIAMS, Jeremy WILTSHIRE, Robert M. REES
Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 268-280.
● An expert survey highlighted the most effective strategies for GHG and ammonia mitigation.
● Interventions considered to have the highest mitigation potential are discussed.
● Experts agreed that no single mitigation measure can uniquely deliver GHG and ammonia mitigation.
● Experts noted a need for further investment in research, knowledge exchange, education and to develop implementation pathways.
● There is a need for more data to better quantify mitigation potentials and implement effective management strategies.
Agriculture is essential for providing food and maintaining food security while concurrently delivering multiple other ecosystem services. However, agricultural systems are generally a net source of greenhouse gases and ammonia. They, therefore, need to substantively contribute to climate change mitigation and net zero ambitions. It is widely acknowledged that there is a need to further reduce and mitigate emissions across sectors, including agriculture to address the climate emergency and emissions gap. This discussion paper outlines a collation of opinions from a range of experts within agricultural research and advisory roles following a greenhouse gas and ammonia emission mitigation workshop held in the UK in March 2022. The meeting identified the top mitigation priorities within the UK’s agricultural sector to achieve reductions in greenhouse gases and ammonia that are compatible with policy targets. In addition, experts provided an overview of what they believe are the key knowledge gaps, future opportunities and co-benefits to mitigation practices as well as indicating the potential barriers to uptake for mitigation scenarios discussed.
agriculture / ammonia / greenhouse gas / mitigation / net zero
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