Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 170-176.
● For 8000 years, agricultural practices have affected atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
● Paddy rice cultivation has impacted atmospheric CH4 concentration since 5000 years ago.
● Modern agricultural practices must include carbon storage and reduced emissions.
● Sustainable management in agriculture must be combined with decarbonizing the economy and reducing population growth.
Since humans started practicing agriculture at the expense of natural forests, 8000 years ago, they have affected atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Their impact on atmospheric CH4 started about 5000 years ago, as result of the cultivation of paddy rice. A challenge of modern agricultural practices is to reverse the impact cropping has had on greenhouse gas emissions and the global climate. There is an increasing demand for agriculture to provide food security as well as a range of other ecosystem services. Depending on ecosystem management, different practices may involve trade-offs and synergies, and these must be considered to work toward desirable management systems. Solution toward food security should not only focus on agricultural management practices, but also on strategies to reduce food waste, more socially-just distribution of resources, changes in lifestyle including decarbonization of the economy, as well as reducing human population growth.
crop diversification / ecosystem services / food security / sustainable cropping systems
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