Di WU, Allan A. ANDALES, Hui YANG, Qing SUN, Shichao CHEN, Xiuwei GUO, Donghao LI, Taisheng DU
• The linkage between crop water productivity and soil properties were summarized
• Knowledge of soil microbial effects on crop water productivity is still limited
• Knowledge of interactions of soil factors on crop water productivity is still limited
Agriculture uses a large proportion of global and regional water resources. Due to the rapid increase of population in the world, the increasing competition for water resources has led to an urgent need in increasing crop water productivity for agricultural sustainability. As the medium for crop growth, soils and their properties are important in affecting crop water productivity. This review examines the effects of soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties on crop water productivity and the quantitative relationships between them. A comprehensive view of these relationships may provide important insights for soil and water management in arable land for agriculture in the future.
crop water productivity / crop yield / soil chemical properties / soil microbial properties / soil physical properties / water consumption
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