Sustainable intensification of agriculture is key to feeding Africa in the 21st century
Shenggen FAN
Sustainable intensification of agriculture is key to feeding Africa in the 21st century
Africa in facing numerous challenges in the 21st century in feeding its rapidly increasing population. Land resources have become limited due to urbanization and industrialization. The existing agricultural land has been degraded and soil fertility has declined due to unsustainable farming practices. Despite of progress made in the past several decades, hunger and malnutrition in Africa still hinder health, human development and economic growth, which will become even worse in the future if proper measures are not taken. Sustainable intensification is the only solution to tackling both environmental sustainability including climate change and malnutrition, i.e., to produce more foods in terms of nutrients human body needs with less natural resources and carbon emissions. To achieve this vision, innovations in technologies, policies and institutions are essential. The Chinese experience in Agricultural Green Development (AGD) can be shared with Africans when the region is pursuing its sustainable intensification strategy.
Africa / sustainable intensification / Agricultural Green Development / climate change / malnutrition
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