New approaches for evaluation of soil health, sensitivity and resistance to degradation
Yakov KUZYAKOV, Anna GUNINA, Kazem ZAMANIAN, Jing TIAN, Yu LUO, Xingliang XU, Anna YUDINA, Humberto APONTE, Hattan ALHARBI, Lilit OVSEPYAN, Irina KURGANOVA, Tida GE, Thomas GUILLAUME
New approaches for evaluation of soil health, sensitivity and resistance to degradation
Assessment of soil health requires complex evaluation of properties and functions responsible for a broad range of ecosystem services. Numerous soil quality indices (SQI) have been suggested for the evaluation of specific groups of soil functions, but comparison of various SQI is impossible because they are based on a combination of specific soil properties. To avoid this problem, we suggest an SQI-area approach based on the comparison of the areas on a radar diagram of a combination of chemical, biological and physical properties. The new approach is independent of the SQI principle and allows rapid and simple comparison of parameter groups and soils. Another approach analyzing the resistance and sensitivity of properties to degradation is suggested for a detailed evaluation of soil health. The resistance and sensitivity of soil properties are determined through comparison with the decrease of soil organic carbon (SOC) as a universal parameter responsible for many functions. The SQI-area and resistance/sensitivity approaches were tested based on the recovery of Phaeozems and Chernozems chronosequences after the abandonment of agricultural soils. Both the SQI-area and the resistance/sensitivity approaches are useful for basic and applied research, and for decision-makers to evaluate land-use practices and measure the degree of soil degradation.
ecosystem stability / land quality / land degradation / soil health / soil management / soil organic matter
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