Innovations of phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole chain
Jianbo SHEN, Liyang WANG, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Fanlei MENG, Lin ZHANG, Gu FENG, Junling ZHANG, Lixing YUAN, Lin MA, Yong HOU, Tao ZHANG, Weifeng ZHANG, Guohua LI, Kai ZHANG, Fusuo ZHANG
Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. ›› 2019, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4) : 321-331.
Innovations of phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole chain
Phosphorus (P) is a non-renewable resource, therefore ensuring global food and environmental security depends upon sustainable P management. To achieve this goal, sustainable P management in the upstream and downstream sectors of agriculture from mineral extraction to food consumption must be addressed systematically. The innovation and feasibility of P sustainability are highlighted from the perspective of the whole P-based chain, including the mining and processing of P rock, production of P fertilizers, soil and rhizosphere processes involving P, absorption and utilization of P by plants, P in livestock production, as well as flow and management of P at the catchment scale. The paper also emphasizes the importance of recycling P and the current challenges of P recovery. Finally, sustainable solutions of holistic P management are proposed from the perspective of technology improvement with policy support.
P-use efficiency / recycling / sustainable management / the whole P chain
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