Landsc. Archit. Front. All Journals

Aims & scope

Landscape Architecture Frontiers (LA Frontiers) is an international academic journal putting its focus on the role and influence of Landscape Architecture research and practice on global sustainability. Publishing bimonthly, the journal introduces new ideas, emerging theories, and cutting-edge methods that respond to hotspot topics and pressing challenges with design solutions. Anchoring land and outdoor spatial practice, the journal presents works that bridge academic studies and material implementation, respond to human-land relationships through design approaches, synergize ecological governance and societal visions, and integrate scientific thinking with aesthetical representation. The journal also emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and application—research for design, research on design, and research through design—witnessing and propelling the advance of contemporary Landscape Architecture.
LA Frontiers highlights efforts that integrate and translate multi-disciplinary knowledge and research findings into application. It encourages not only practice innovativeness in the full-process of landscape planning/design (from conceptualization, construction, governance to evaluation), but also authentic cases that find out the pitfalls of theory and knowledge in application and the gaps between research and practice.
LA Frontiers calls for original submissions that demonstrate and contribute to one or several of the following topics: 1) exploration of theories, technologies, methodologies, and tools in landscape planning and design, as well as allied fields; 2) landscape planning and design, Nature-based Solutions, urban and regional planning, urban design, and urban renewal addressing issues related to climate change, biodiversity, ecological restoration, rural development, design justice, and human health and well-beings; and 3) instructional experience and design critiques on the above topics.
LA Frontiers is strictly peer-reviewed and welcomes original research papers, review papers, synthesis, perspectives, and case studies and comparative studies.

Pubdate: 2014-06-12    Viewed: 3928