Rebranding Terroir: Ethnoecology and Tea Agro-Ecosystem Management in Response to Increased Market Integration in Southern Yunnan, China
Sammi Wae Ki WONG
Rebranding Terroir: Ethnoecology and Tea Agro-Ecosystem Management in Response to Increased Market Integration in Southern Yunnan, China
Prompted by increased domestic and transnational demand for Pu’er tea, an emergence of agroecosystem intensification in Southern Yunnan, China has resulted in various agro-ecosystems including tea forests, mixed crop systems, and monocultural terrace tea gardens, in the tea production system. Plants of Camellia sinensis assamica often grow as trees in forests whilst C. sinensis sinensis grow as shrubs in terrace tea gardens. Inspired by the wine industry, the concept „Terroir” acts as a framework that analyzes both environmental and human factors yielding var ying botanic profiles, and hence quantifies values created by the cultivation process. The approach allows economic opportunities of place-based tea products to be driven by the origin in lieu of extrinsic qualities, which has resulted in to the fabricated reputation of terroir. In response to a common gap in terms of botanical and cultural values between tea cultivation and marketing trends, this artic le investigates an alternative scenario in which tea production and promotion model could minimize its environmental impacts and utilize its economic weight to advance land conservation efforts specific to cultural complexity at community scales.
Pu’er Tea Cultivation / Terroir / Ethnoecology / Agro-ecosystem Management / Ethnography / Botanic Quality / Product Authenticity
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