Collaborative Ecological Regeneration—An Adaptable Toolkit for Reviving Ecological Infrastructures With Case Study on Beijing's Practices


Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (5) : 60-75.

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Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (5) : 60-75. DOI: 10.15302/J-LAF-1-030047

Collaborative Ecological Regeneration—An Adaptable Toolkit for Reviving Ecological Infrastructures With Case Study on Beijing's Practices

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In the background of developing sustainable cities worldwide, Beijing aims at "a harmonious and livable city" with Master Plan of Beijing (2016–2035) based on Ecological Security Patterns and a series of renewal projects on ecological infrastructure in the central city. Based on Ecological Urbanism, this study pointed out such practices can help link this green vision to individuals' actions. The theoretical lens consists of environmental, social and mental ecology, and provides triad indicators for regenerative ecological practices—restore ecological infrastructure, revive neighborhoods, rebuild social-environmental bond. Critical evaluation of an exemplar—Shougang Industry Services Park project revealed gaps on relating landscape with users' engagement and individuals' everyday actions. An evolved practice model—"collaborative ecological regeneration" was proposed, to integrate intermediary landscapes transformation with participation. It is supported by an adaptable toolkit including strategies on three aspects to care for EI components, form inclusive social collaboration and raise environmental awareness. The key tool "Urban Prototypes" can connect tactics across layers, conceptualize previous practices, and link to future ones, with proposed application to Beijing inner-city practices setting a few examples. This new mode indicates an open-ended regeneration process, while Urban Prototypes could be adapted to urban dynamics and stakeholders' desires.

● Urban renewal practices can help link Beijing’s green vision to individuals’ actions

● Collaborative ecological regeneration process can build a set of relations reviving natural and social communities

● The toolkit provides strategies to restore ecological infrastructure, revive neighborhoods, and rebuild socio-environmental bond

● Urban prototypes draw how intermediary landscapes transformation can combine with public participation

Graphical abstract


Urban Regeneration / Ecological Infrastructure / Collaborative Ecological Regeneration / Inclusive Social Collaboration / Socio-Environmental Bond / Urban Prototypes / Public Participation / Shougang Industry Services Park

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Chi ZHANG. Collaborative Ecological Regeneration—An Adaptable Toolkit for Reviving Ecological Infrastructures With Case Study on Beijing's Practices. Landsc. Archit. Front., 2023, 11(5): 60‒75


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