Research on the Influencing Mechanism of Historic Urban Landscape Characteristics on Public Sentiments and the Spatio-temporal Differentiation Patterns—A Case Study of Shaoxing Ancient City in Zhejiang Province, China
Tuo SHI, Wanchen SANG, Yunuo ZHENG
Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 73-88.
Research on the Influencing Mechanism of Historic Urban Landscape Characteristics on Public Sentiments and the Spatio-temporal Differentiation Patterns—A Case Study of Shaoxing Ancient City in Zhejiang Province, China
Combining research methods such as semantic analysis and Space-Time Cube, this paper proposes a "historic urban landscape–cognition–sentiment" analysis framework, covering aspects of heritage intrinsic value, urban functional value, and urban landscape value, and reveals the influencing mechanism of the characteristics of historic urban landscape (HUL) on public sentiments and the spatio-temporal differentiation patterns through the case study of the Shaoxing ancient city in China. The research findings include that different HUL characteristics had differentiated effects on public sentiments, and the effect of a same HUL characteristic on public sentiments varied between weekdays and weekends/holidays, and among different HULs. On weekends/holidays, public sentiments were more influenced by the intrinsic value factors of HUL (e.g., heritage level, heritage age), whereas on weekdays, they were more affected by urban functional value factors, and urban landscape value factors played a greater role in arousing people's positive sentiments. This study aims to provide scientific references for enhancing public perception and emotional experience in urban spaces and for identifying potential spatial improvement opportunities in historic cities.
● Innovatively proposes "HUL–Cognition–Sentiment" analysis framework, and systematically explores the influencing mechanism of HUL characteristics on public sentiments
● Studies the spatio-temporal differentiation patterns of public sentiments from the dimensions of HUL intrinsic value, urban functional value, and urban landscape value
● On weekends/holidays, public sentiments were more influenced by the intrinsic value factors of HUL, while on weekdays were more affected by urban functional value and urban landscape value factors
Historic Urban Landscape / Public Sentiments / Weibo Check-in Data / Spatio-temporal Differentiation Patterns / Space-Time Cube / Historic Urban Landscape–Cognition–Sentiment Analysis Framework
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