Adaptive Transformation of Historic Water Works in Hamburg, Germany: From Essential Infrastructure and Cornerstone of Public Health to Valuable Man-Made Ecosystems and Designed Public Spaces
Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6) : 44-52.
Adaptive Transformation of Historic Water Works in Hamburg, Germany: From Essential Infrastructure and Cornerstone of Public Health to Valuable Man-Made Ecosystems and Designed Public Spaces
A lack of safe drinking water supply is the cause of a number of waterborne diseases such as cholera. Even nowadays, an estimated 100,000 people die from cholera each year. Since the early/mid-19th century relatively simple but highly effective engineering solutions were developed that helped provide clean drinking water. In 1892 the City of Hamburg, Germany was hit by a cholera epidemic and more than 8,000 people died within a few weeks. As a consequence, sedimentation and filtration systems to provide clean drinking water were built. They were in operation for nearly a century and subsequently became disused in recent decades. Since then, a number of proposals including large mixed-use developments were put forward and over time adapted to the changing needs to offer educational and recreational services, as well as enhancing natural assets. While the historic buildings of high heritage value were conserved, the sedimentation and filtration systems in their landscape setting transformed through natural succession combined with design interventions into attractive and valuable habitats. In addition, some of the former sedimentation basins were found to be the most suitable locations to compensate for the environmental impact of the highly disputed dredging of the Elbe River and were redesigned to provide a new habitat for a rare and endemic plant species.
● Just 150 years ago, there was essentially no infrastructure in place to provide a clean and safe water supply, which is regarded as standard today
● Unique projects for the adaptive transformation of historical technical infrastructure over a period of more than 150 years address new needs and uses through design interventions towards blue and green infrastructure
● As legally mandated compensation mitigating environmental impacts caused by dredging the Elbe River, the redesigned former sedimentation ponds function as a new habitat for endemic species
Adaptive Transformation / Waterworks / Sand Filtration System / Cholera / Industrial Heritage / Recreation / Ecological Compensation / Ecosystem Restoration / Nature-based Solutions
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