The Prospective Role of New Community Parks in Enhancing Human Health in Marginalized Communities: A Case of Kellogg Park in Ventura, California, USA

Musab WEDYAN, Angle CRUZ, Fatemeh SAEIDI-RIZI, Jun-Hyun KIM

Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 62-71.

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Landsc. Archit. Front. ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 62-71. DOI: 10.15302/J-LAF-0-020021

The Prospective Role of New Community Parks in Enhancing Human Health in Marginalized Communities: A Case of Kellogg Park in Ventura, California, USA

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Urban green spaces contribute to improving people's physical and mental health by reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Marginalized communities in the USA experience poor health outcome in part because of health disparities related to social and structural determinants of health. The purpose of this study is to assess the prospective role of Kellogg Park, a newly built community park in a marginalized community in California, in enhancing residents' physical and mental health. The researchers collected the data by conducting an in-person survey, which covered questions related to environmental and safety perceptions, overall satisfaction, changes in physical activity changes and mental health with respondents' pre- and post-occupancy experiences. For analyzing data, bivariate analyses using a t-test and a correlation analysis were conducted to examine if there was a relationship between the overall satisfaction and visiting experience. The results indicated an increased positive environmental perception. Besides, respondents reported positively to questions of safety and their overall satisfaction. This research yielded positive results, indicating an improvement in the respondents' physical activity changes and mental health after the construction of the park. The results will advocate for and assist planners, designers, and policy-makers in prioritizing green spaces in marginalized communities.

● Reveals that increased physical and mental health was closely related to the accessibility of urban green spaces

● Finds that a close relationship existed between the overall satisfaction with the visit experience and that of the exercise equipment, safety of the park, and quality of the park

● Reveals that non-homeowners with children felt safer than homeowners with children about children playing at the park after its completion

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Green Spaces / Physical Activity / Mental Health / Environmental Perception / Satisfaction / Marginalized Community

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Musab WEDYAN, Angle CRUZ, Fatemeh SAEIDI-RIZI, Jun-Hyun KIM. The Prospective Role of New Community Parks in Enhancing Human Health in Marginalized Communities: A Case of Kellogg Park in Ventura, California, USA. Landsc. Archit. Front., 2024, 12(3): 62‒71


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