Prediction of the shear wave velocity
Amoroso SARA
Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1) : 83-92.
Prediction of the shear wave velocity
The paper examines the correlations to obtain rough estimates of the shear wave velocity VS from non-seismic dilatometer tests (DMT) and cone penetration tests (CPT). While the direct measurement of VS is obviously preferable, these correlations may turn out useful in various circumstances. The experimental results at six international research sites suggest that the DMT predictions of VS from the parameters ID (material index), KD (horizontal stress index), MDMT (constrained modulus) are more reliable and consistent than the CPT predictions from qc (cone resistance), presumably because of the availability, by DMT, of the stress history index KD.
horizontal stress index / shear wave velocity / flat dilatometer test / cone penetration test
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