Journal updates

Frontiers of Optoelectronics flip to OA in 2022
In order to best serve our authors and readers and to meet research funder requirements, we are pleased to announce that Frontiers of Optoelectronics is moving to full Open Access (OA) publication from Jan 2022 on. This means that all content published in the journal is published under an open-access license, and freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the widest possible dissemination and reuse. 
We are also happy to tell you that the APC for the accepted manuscript will be fully sponsored by Higher Education Press and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. We thank you for all your support of the journal and look forward to witnessing the future development of the journal with you.
*Note on archive articles: Articles published prior to 2022 remain paywalled, and rights and permissions remain under original copyright, Higher Education Press.

Pubdate: 2022-02-25    Viewed: 340