The 8th International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2015) will be held on June 16-19, 2015, Wuhan, China. Sponsored by K.C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong, POEM 2015 is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of travel awards. The goal of the POEM 2015 Travel Award is to increase the number of students and young researchers pursuing advanced training in the Photonics and OptoElectronics fields, especially in Optoelectronic Devices and Integration and Photonics for Energy area. The program offers graduate students, post-doctoral fellow and young researchers the financial support to participate in POEM 2015 by helping them defray some of the travel-related expense or conference registration fee associated with their attendance.
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). To celebrate the event, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) launches Wuhan Photonics Week. With POEM 2015 as its important part, Wuhan Photonics Week enriches itself with varieties of international and domestic events to be taken place on June 13-19, 2015. More information please link:,or follow the official WeChat WNLO_POEM account of WNLO and Wuhan Photonics Week.
Eligibility Requirements
Two types of awards are being offered by POEM 2015. Provided are information and application requirements for each Travel Award.
Type I
POEM 2015 is offering a limited number (three) of travel awards (up to $1000) to help defray meeting registration and travel-related expenses associated with meeting/conference attendance. Applicants are asked to identify which costs need to be covered in order for them to be able to attend the conference, and offer us a budget if possible. Based on their application score from the POEM 2015 Travel Award Review Committee, all, part, or none of their requested costs will be covered.
The applicants must satisfy the following criteria:
Be a poster/oral author of the POEM 2015. ( must be FIRST AUTHOR and presenting at the meeting, not an invited speaker. For travel award eligibility purposes, the person listed first on the abstract is considered the first author. )
Be a full-time graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or young researchers (the candidate must not pass his/her 35th birthday before the date of presentation of the award)
The candidate may not apply for a POEM 2015 travel award if you are receiving funding from any other sponsoring society. The applicant can simultaneously apply for and be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award, but will only get one of them.
The winner is required to submit POEM 2015 paper manuscript to the Journal of Frontier of Optoelectronics (FOE) based on the re-written and extended version to avoid any copyright. And the paper is ought to note that “THE AUTHOR GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE SUPPORT OF K.C.WONG EDUCATION FOUNDATION, HONG KONG”.
Type II
POEM 2015 provides free registration for 10 to 20 participants. (Registration fee is $300 per person)
The applicants must satisfy the following criteria:
Not be a poster/oral author of POEM 2015.
Be a full-time graduate student.
Be from an undeveloped country or region.
Be student representatives recommended by Joint Forums of Wuhan Photonics Week 2015 or OSA/SPIE Academic Annual Meeting of Chinese Students.
Application Procedures
A complete POEM 2015 Travel Award application contains 3 parts:
1. POEM 2015 Travel Award Application submission;
2. Abstract submission with Paper ID (Type I) or brief introduction of current research activities (Type II) ;
3. Recommendation letter from Mentor, Department Head, Chair or Dean.
Where to Submit?
Please send complete application packages to email:
Application deadline: 20th May
We will inform you the application result by email before 1st June.
Documents required for reimbursement:
Copy of valid Student Identification.
For Chinese citizen:Copy of the citizen ID ,original train or plane tickets with boarding pass, the signature on receipt.
For foreigners: Copy of the passport / ID, copy of the visa page (with entry and exit date), electronic travel itinerary,invoice or payment record, boarding pass and the signature on receipt.
Notification: all of the travel-related expenses associated with meeting/conference are supposed to be paid by yourself first, then we will reimburse them for you during the POEM 2015 if you get the travel award.
POEM Secretariat
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO)
Tel: +86-27-87792221, 87792227
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