An all-optical 40 Gbit/s tunable single-to-single channel wavelength conversion is experimentally realized based on cascaded sum- and difference-frequency generation (cSFG/DFG) in periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN) waveguides. By employing two tunable filters to effectively suppress the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, both wavelength down- and up-conversions are simultaneously observed. We also propose and verify a novel cSFG/DFG-based single-to-dual channel wavelength conversion by setting two pumps (pump1, pump2) close to each other or pump2 and the signal close to each other. For the latter, two kinds of cSFG/DFG schemes are both demonstrated. The dependence of the conversion efficiencies of two channel idler waves on pump1 wavelength is discussed. The wavelength relationships between two channel idler waves and the three incident waves are investigated in detail theoretically as well as experimentally.
WANG Jian, SUN Junqiang, SUN Qizhen, ZHANG Weiwei, HU Zhefeng, ZHANG Xinliang, HUANG Dexiu
. Experimental realization of 40 Gbit/s single-to-single
and single-to-dual channel wavelength conversions in LiNbO waveguides with two-pump configuration[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2008
, 1(1-2)
: 3
DOI: 10.1007/s12200-008-0030-4
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