Fabrication and characterization of ZnO/Se1−xTex solar cells
Received date: 26 Apr 2022
Accepted date: 26 Jun 2022
Published date: 15 Sep 2022
Selenium (Se) element is a promising light-harvesting material for solar cells because of the large absorption coefficient and prominent photoconductivity. However, the efficiency of Se solar cells has been stagnated for a long time owing to the suboptimal bandgap (> 1.8 eV) and the lack of a proper electron transport layer. In this work, we tune the bandgap of the absorber to the optimal value of Shockley–Queisser limit (1.36 eV) by alloying 30% Te with 70% Se. Simultaneously, ZnO electron transport layer is selected because of the proper band alignment, and the mild reaction at ZnO/Se0.7Te0.3 interface guarantees a good-quality heterojunction. Finally, a superior efficiency of 1.85% is achieved on ZnO/Se0.7Te0.3 solar cells.
Jiajia Zheng , Liuchong Fu , Yuming He , Kanghua Li , Yue Lu , Jiayou Xue , Yuxuan Liu , Chong Dong , Chao Chen , Jiang Tang . Fabrication and characterization of ZnO/Se1−xTex solar cells[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2022 , 15(3) : 36 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-022-00040-5
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