Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
Basics of THz-TDS
Temporally sampling THz electric fields
Rapid-scan approaches
Single-shot approaches
Combining THz-TDS and high magnetic fields
DC superconducting magnets
Fig.1 Free-space THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system combined with a superconducting magnet. The generation and detection of THz radiation is achieved via optical rectification and the electro-optic effect, respectively, using ZnTe crystals. A pellicle beamsplitter (PBS) is used to combine the THz and near-infrared probe beams. A quarter-wave plate (QWP) and a Wollaston prism (WP) are commonly used to detect the polarization rotation of the probe beam |
DC resistive magnets
Fig.2 Free-space THz time-domain spectroscopy system combined with the Split-Florida Helix Magnet [68]. The broadband THz pulses are generated by mixing the fundamental and its second-harmonic laser field (generated from a frequency-doubling BBO crystal) in a nitrogen-purged atmosphere. Laser pulses are focused and collimated using off-axis parabolic (OAP) mirrors. The THz wavevector is perpendicular to the applied magnetic field (Voigt geometry). For detection, THz pulses are focused onto a THz-air breakdown coherent detector (THz-ABCD). A portion of the fundamental beam is used to gate the THz-ABCD to recover the full electric field waveform |
Pulsed magnets
Fig.3 Free-space single-shot THz time-domain spectroscopy system combined with a pulsed magnet [41,42]. THz pulses strong enough for single-shot detection are generated using LiNbO3. Detection is performed in a single-shot manner using a reflective echelon, which stretches the probe pulse in the time domain. The inset at the top shows that for a 1-kHz repetition-rate laser, three measurements can be done on the rising edge of the magnetic field pulse. A pellicle beamsplitter (PBS) is used to combine the THz and near-infrared probe beams. A quarter-wave plate (QWP) and a Wollaston prism (WP) are commonly used to detect the polarization rotation of the probe beam |
Tab.1 Summary of magnets for high-field THz time-domain magnetospectroscopy |
superconducting | resistive | pulsed | |
magnetic field | 10 T | 25 T | 30 T |
THz sampling mechanism | delay stage [47–58] | delay stage [68] | ECOPS [33,75], ASOPS [29], reflective echelons [41,42], rotating delay line [34] |
additional notes | Superconducting magnets are easiest to implement and benefit from having static fields, albeit the weakest fields. | Resistive magnets provide the strongest static fields but are only available at national laboratories due to their demand for resources. | Pulsed magnets provide the strongest magnetic fields but require sophisticated protocols for THz sampling. |
Physical phenomena in high magnetic fields probed by THz-TDS
Cyclotron resonance
Fig.4 Superradiant decay of cyclotron resonance in ultrahigh-mobility two-dimensional electron gases [63]. (a) Magnetic field dependence of CR oscillations in the time domain, showing peaks (blue) and valleys (red). (b) Frequency-domain version of (a). Black dashed line: a linear fit with a cyclotron mass of 0.069m0. (c) Magnetic field dependence of the CR decay time, tCR at 3 K. (d) Temperature dependence of tCR at 2.5 T and the DC scattering time, tDC, determined from the DC mobility, µ = etDC/m*. (e) CR oscillations in the time domain for samples with different densities by controlling the illumination time. (f) CR decay rate as a function of electron density. Blue solid circle: sample 2 (low density). Red solid circles: sample 1 (high density). The blue dashed line represents a theoretical relation expected from the phenomenon of superradiance [102] without any adjustable parameter (with nGaAs = 3.6 and m* = 0.069m0) |
Faraday and Kerr rotations
Fig.5 Magneto-optical Kerr rotation in monolayer graphene. (a) Schematic of the experimental configuration depicting the transmission of a THz pulse through the sample. (b) Time-domain waveform of the THz pulse transmitted through the sample. (c) Magnetic field dependence of the Kerr rotation at 1 THz for the sample with a Fermi energy of 70 meV. The inset shows Kerr rotation spectra at the indicated magnetic fields. Adapted from Ref. [116] |
Spin excitations
Fig.6 Quantized Faraday rotation of topological surface states in Bi2Se3. (a) Schematic diagram of the Faraday rotation experimental setup. P1, P2, and P3 are polarizers. The polarization acquires an ellipticity simultaneously, as shown in (b). (c) Real part of the Faraday rotation of 10-QL Bi2Se3 films with MoO3 at 4.5 K at various magnetic fields [color-coded as in (d)]. The dash-dotted line is the theoretical expectation. (d) Imaginary part of the Faraday rotation. A representative cyclotron frequency is marked by a red arrow for data at 2.5 T. (e) Quantized Faraday rotation for different samples. Dashed black lines are theoretical expectation values assuming certain values for the filling factor of the surface states. (f) DC Hall resistance of a representative 8-QL sample. Adapted from Ref. [58] |
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling
Fig.7 Ultrastrong coupling between THz split-ring resonators and the CR of a high-mobility 2DEG. (a) Transmission as a function of B at 10 K. (b) A vertical cut from panel (a) in the anticrossing region at B = 1.2 T. Both the upper-polariton and lower-polariton modes are observed together with the free-space CR (CYC) arising from the uncovered regions of the 2DEG. (c) Polariton branches plotted as a function of magnetic field. Solid lines are theoretical calculations. Inset: schematic of the 500 GHz resonator deposited on the sample surface. Adapted from Ref. [55] |
Fig.8 Vacuum Bloch–Siegert shift in Landau polaritons with ultrahigh cooperativity [65]. Transmission spectra in the vicinity of the anticrossing region between CR and the first cavity mode (red dashed line) for simulations using the full Hamiltonian (solid lines) is shown. The counter-rotating and A2 terms have to be included in the full Hamiltonian. Experimental data points are shown as open circles |
Fig.9 THz-TDS of magnon-magnon ultrastrong coupling in YFeO3 evidencing dominant vacuum Bloch−Siegert shifts [42]. (a) Schematic of THz magnetospectroscopy studies of YFeO3 in a tilted magnetic field. HDC was applied in the b-c plane at an angle of q with respect to the c-axis, with kTHz//HDC and HTHz polarized in the b-c plane. (b) Transmitted THz waveform for q = 20° at µ0|HDC| = 12.60 T displaying beating in the time domain and two peaks in the frequency domain. (c) Magnon power spectra for q = 20° and q = 40° at different HDC, displaying larger frequency splitting for larger q. (d) Experimentally measured magnon frequencies for q = 0°, 40°, 90° versus µ0|HDC| (black dots) with calculated resonance magnon frequencies (solid red lines) and decoupled qFM and qAFM magnon frequencies (black dashed-dotted lines). The upper mode frequency becomes lower than the qAFM frequency at q = 90°, indicating a dominant vacuum Bloch−Siegert shift compared to the vacuum Rabi splitting-induced shift |