We start by illustrating the “AG-MP-NA” method in Fig. 11. The corresponding composite film morphologies at different stages of the operation are revealed by the SEM images in Fig. 12. Associated with step 1 is the initial spreading of a SnO
2 nanoparticles/ZnO nanotetrapods paste onto an FTO-coated glass or ITO/PEN flexible substrate (Figs. 12(a)-12(c)). Diluted HAc was included in the paste to partially corrode the ZnO nanotetrapods, promoting the formation of a zinc acetate (ZnAc
2) shell layer on the SnO
2 nanoparticles. The as-deposited film from random stacking of the binary nanomaterials contains interspaces between nanotetrapods not fully filled by nanoparticles, making the freshly deposited film look rather hollow with low connectivity (Figs. 12(b), 12(c)). In step 2, an 80-100 MPa hydraulic pressure was applied to the freshly deposited film. As a result, the film thickness is decreased by nearly half (Figs. 12(a), 12(d)), and the SnO
2 nanoparticles and ZnO nanotetrapods in the film become much more densely stacked (Figs. 12(e), 12(f)). Conceivably, the transport pathways of photoinjected electrons in the pressed film should be much shorter than those in the unpressed ones as denoted by the green arrow-lines in Fig. 11. More to the point, close packing may imply better contacts between nanostructures in the composite film as well as between the active film and the conductive substrate. For example, the large pores (interspaces) seen in the unpressed film have been filled and/or eliminated by pressing. Step 3 begins with the deposition of another layer but made of pure ZnO nanotetrapods on top of the SnO
2/ZnO composite film (Fig. 12(h)). After mechanical press, a dense, robust network is formed (Fig. 12(i)). The compression ratio for this layer is about 4, namely, from 12 to 13 to 3.3 μm (Fig. 12(g)). Its
RF (total inner pore surface area dived by active film area) is about 150-200, according to our previous work [
7], which is about 1/8-1/6 that of the under-layer composite film (
RF ≈ 1200 by multiplying BET surface area of 65.3 m
-1 to the weight of 1 cm
2 area film). The main function of this layer, aside from the light absorption, lies in the light scattering in the near-infrared region. Its light scattering capability is derived from the sub-micron level pores formed of the nanotetrapods [
29]. The inimitable branching structure of our nanotetrapods has imparted this light scattering a certain extent of toughness to endure curvature bending on flexible substrates, a distinct advantage over other kinds of light-scattering materials such as large TiO
2 particle assemblies and SiO
2 sphere photonic-crystals previously applied to DSSCs [
62]. In the last step, the pressed film is immersed in 0.3 M NH
3 solution for 20 min and then kept at 150°C for 30 min. This procedure is intended to wash away the unwanted zinc acetate (ZnAc
2) on SnO
2 and promote the formation of an ultrathin ZnO shell firmly attached to SnO
2, the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated by infrared spectra of the films before and after NH
3 treatment. Such a shell is important not only for better inter-particles connections, but also for boosting
Voc of the SnO
2/ZnO composite film based DSSCs by elevating the conductive band edge of SnO
2 toward that of ZnO, as revealed in previous works [