IPCE of solar cells with PCBM, P3HT and PCBM/P3HT are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen the solar cells have better photoelectric response in 325-375 nm (UV area), and 500-550 nm (visible area). The higher IPCE in the UV range is mainly caused by the strong absorption of PCBM on UV-induced [
22]. On the other hand, it is due to TiO
2 film. TiO
2 has an absorption peak around 350 nm which is related with the direct band gap photo-electron excitation of the TiO
2 [
23]. While the higher IPCE in the visible area comes from the absorption of P3HT [
24], IPCE spectrum and UV-Vis absorption spectrum have a similar light response range, though they do not strictly overlap in visible light, indicating that the photoelectrochemical conversion is achieved through photosensitization of PCBM/P3HT. Gebeyehu et al. [
25] got the same result by using P3HT spin coated. The band gaps of PCBM and P3HT are between 1.5 and 3.0 eV, their lower unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) are much higher than TiO
2 conduction band (4.3 eV). Therefore, it is possible and practical through the polymer singlet excited state to finish charge transfer. The effective charge absorption and transfer of oxidation state of polymer readies light absorption by PCBM-TiO
2, P3HT-TiO
2 and PCBM/P3HT-TiO
2 composite films [
26]. Thus, it is feasible using PCBM/P3HT heterojunction to achieve photosensitization and charge transfer, which provides an important way for developing novel solar cells.