Historical background
Fig.5 (a) Typical time-domain waveform of a THz pulse using air generation and air detection. A 35 fs ultrashort laser pulse is used for Thz generation and detection; (b) corresponding THz spectrum in the frequency domain. ABCD, air-biased-coherent-detection (Courtesy of I-Chen Ho) |
Fig.6 (a) Schematic of the experimental setup for remote THz wave generation from laser-induced plasma in the ambient air. PC, phase compensator; M1, convex spherical mirror used to expand the optical beams; M2, concave spherical mirror used to remotely focus optical beams; (b) THz waveforms generated in ambient air at distances of 6.5, 10 and 17 m respectively. 1 mm thick ZnTe crystal was used as sensor (Courtesy of Jianming Dai) |
Terahertz radiation-enhanced-emission-of-fluorescence
Theory and modeling
Experimental verification
Coherent THz detection using local bias
Terahertz-pulse-enhanced-fluorescence in gases
Theoretical background
Experimental setup
Fluorescence enhancement in noble gases
Time-resolved fluorescence enhancement
Fluorescence enhancement in alkane gases
Broaband remote terahertz sensing
Method using two-color laser excited plasma fluorescence
Fig.25 Schematics of the THz wave remote sensing. The pulse is generated by passing the fundamental beam through a type I β-BBO crystal. Both of the fundamental and second harmonic optical pulses are linearly polarized along a vertical direction. The relative phase change between the and pulses is tuned by the lateral translation of fused silica wedges in the optical beam path after the α-BBO. The two optical pulses are focused by a parabolic mirror with effective focal length of 150 mm into air to generate plasma. The time delay is defined as the delay between optical pulse peak and THz pulse peak. The distance of the remote sensing is varied by moving the fluorescence detection system |
THz-wave-assisted impact ionization
Fig.27 (a) High-lying states can be ionized by a series of collisions with energetic electrons; (b) interaction between the THz pulse and the asymmetric photoelectron velocity distributions generated by two-color fields ionization; (c) measured phase dependence of fluorescence emission and plasma-photocurrent-induced THz emission are compared with the calculated phase dependence of ion yield and ; (d) zoom-in of c (shifted and normalized for clarity). Electron velocity direction is reversed as is changed by |
Electron velocity direction dependence of THz-REEF
Fig.28 (a) 3D plot of THz-REEF at different relative optical phase between and pulses when , and THz beams are all vertically polarized; (b) 3D plot REEF at different relative optical phase when , beams are horizontally polarized and THz beam is vertically polarized; (c) 3D plot of differential REEF between with any velocity distribution and with symmetric velocity distribution, under the same polarization condition as that in (a) |
Differential REEF and coherent THz wave detection
Fig.30 (a) Measured time-resolved THz-REEF at phase respectively; (b) comparison between the THz waveform measured by electro-optic (EO) sampling and THz waveform obtained from the difference of the two REEF curves with opposite velocity distribution; (c) simulated THz-REEF derived from Eq. (12) at , respectively |
Broadband remote THz sensing
Plasma diagnostics
Method and experimental design
Pressure dependence
Plasma density measurement
Fig.36 Pressure dependences of the enhanced fluorescence (Enh. Fl.) in (a) pure nitrogen gas and (b) mixture of nitrogen and helium gas. The laser pulse energy is 80 μJ. (c) Comparison between measured (solid squares) and calculated (dash line) relaxation time. The error bar is due to the uncertainty from the fitting for 5 individual scans measured at the same pressure |
Collision dynamics at different excitation pump power
Fig.37 (a) Measured (symbol) and fitted (line) at 100, 300 and 500 torr, respectively. All the curves are normalized for clarity; (b) plasma densities extracted from curves are compared with normalized background fluorescence signal (without THz field) at different pressures. Norm. Enh. Fl., normalized enhanced fluorescence |
Fig.38 (a) Measured nitrogen fluorescence (Fl.) with different excitation laser pulse energies at 65 torr. The shade area is enlarged for clarity; (b) measured electron relaxation time. Inset, the measured background fluorescence signal (sold red circle) and calculated ion density being normalized to fluorescence signal (blue dash line) |
Photoluminescence quenching by terahertz wave
Photoluminescence spectra in THz field
Time-resolved quenching
THz intensity dependence of quenching
Fig.41 Solid black squares and red dots show the measured THz intensity dependence of photoluminescence in CdTe and GaAs, respectively. Solid lines are the linear fit. The error bars were obtained from the multiple measurements at the same point. Norm. PL, normalized photoluminescence |