Silicon-plus photonics
Daoxin DAI, Yanlong YIN, Longhai YU, Hao WU, Di LIANG, Zhechao WANG, Liu LIU
Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2016, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3) : 436-449.
Silicon-plus photonics
Silicon photonics has become very popular because of their compatibility with mature CMOS technologies. However, pure silicon is still very difficult to be utilized to obtain various photonic functional devices for large-scale photonic integration due to intrinsic properties. Silicon-plus photonics, which pluses other materials to break the limitation of silicon, is playing a very important role currently and in the future. In this paper, we give a review and discussion on the progresses of silicon-plus photonics, including the structures, devices and applications.
silicon-plus / hybrid / plsamonic / photodetector / modulator / graphene / III-V
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