Information processing at the speed of light
Muhammad AbuGhanem
Information processing at the speed of light
In recent years, quantum computing has made significant strides, particularly in light-based technology. The introduction of quantum photonic chips has ushered in an era marked by scalability, stability, and cost-effectiveness, paving the way for innovative possibilities within compact footprints. This article provides a comprehensive exploration of photonic quantum computing, covering key aspects such as encoding information in photons, the merits of photonic qubits, and essential photonic device components including light squeezers, quantum light sources, interferometers, photodetectors, and wave-guides. The article also examines photonic quantum communication and internet, and its implications for secure systems, detailing implementations such as quantum key distribution and long-distance communication. Emerging trends in quantum communication and essential reconfigurable elements for advancing photonic quantum internet are discussed. The review further navigates the path towards establishing scalable and fault-tolerant photonic quantum computers, highlighting quantum computational advantages achieved using photons. Additionally, the discussion extends to programmable photonic circuits, integrated photonics and transformative applications. Lastly, the review addresses prospects, implications, and challenges in photonic quantum computing, offering valuable insights into current advancements and promising future directions in this technology.
Photonics quantum computing / Nobel Prize-winning technology / Integrated photonics / Photonic device components / Encoding information in photons / Programmable photonic circuits / Photonic quantum computers / Quantum communication and internet / Quantum key distribution / Free-space communication / Quantum computational advantage with photons
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