Contactless integrated photonic probes: fundamentals, characteristics, and applications

Guangze Wu, Yuanjian Wan, Zhao Wang, Xiaolong Hu, Jinwei Zeng, Yu Zhang, Jian Wang

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Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3) : 26. DOI: 10.1007/s12200-024-00127-1

Contactless integrated photonic probes: fundamentals, characteristics, and applications

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On-chip optical power monitors are indispensable for functional implementation and stabilization of large-scale and complex photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Traditional on-chip optical monitoring is implemented by tapping a small portion of optical power from the waveguide, which leads to significant loss. Due to its advantages like non-invasive nature, miniaturization, and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process compatibility, a transparent monitor named the contactless integrated photonic probe (CLIPP), has been attracting great attention in recent years. The CLIPP indirectly monitors the optical power in the waveguide by detecting the conductance variation of the local optical waveguide caused by the surface state absorption (SSA) effect. In this review, we first introduce the fundamentals of the CLIPP including the concept, the equivalent electric model and the impedance read-out method, and then summarize some characteristics of the CLIPP. Finally, the functional applications of the CLIPP on the identification and feedback control of optical signal are discussed, followed by a brief outlook on the prospects of the CLIPP.

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Contactless integrated photonic probes / Photonic integrated circuits / Silicon photonics / Optical monitoring / Feedback control

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Guangze Wu, Yuanjian Wan, Zhao Wang, Xiaolong Hu, Jinwei Zeng, Yu Zhang, Jian Wang. Contactless integrated photonic probes: fundamentals, characteristics, and applications. Front. Optoelectron., 2024, 17(3): 26


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