Control of visible-range transmission and reflection haze by varying pattern size, shape and depth in flexible metasurfaces
Avijit Maity, Vaswati Biswas, R. Vijaya
Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3) : 25.
Control of visible-range transmission and reflection haze by varying pattern size, shape and depth in flexible metasurfaces
Cost-effective soft imprint lithography technique is used to prepare flexible thin polymeric surfaces containing a periodic arrangement of nanodimples and nanobumps of sub-micron size. Using a single master mold of self-assembled colloidal crystal, metasurfaces with different depths and heights of patterns with a fixed pitch are possible, which makes the process inexpensive and simple. These metasurfaces are studied for their diffuse and total transmission and reflection spectra in the visible range. The transmission haze and reflection haze are calculated from the measurements. The surface containing nanobumps of lesser pattern height result in higher values of reflection and transmission haze than from surfaces containing nanodimples of much higher depth for the same pitch. The haze is more dependent on the pattern depth or height and less dependent on the pitch of the pattern. Far-field transmission profiles measured in the same wavelength range from the patterned surfaces show that the scattering increases with the increase of the ratio of pattern depth/height to pitch, similar to the haze measurements conducted with a closed integrating sphere. These profiles show that the angular spread of scattered light in transmission is within 10°, explaining the reason for the relatively low transmission haze in all the patterned surfaces. Simulation results confirm that the nanobump pattern gives higher transmission haze compared to nanodimple pattern. By controlling the ratio of pattern depth/height to pitch of the features on these surfaces, both an increase in optical haze and a balance between total reflection intensity and total transmission intensity can be achieved.
Metasurface / Reflection haze / Transmission haze / Soft imprint lithography
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