Transient breathing dynamics during extinction of dissipative solitons in mode-locked fiber lasers

Zichuan Yuan, Si Luo, Ke Dai, Xiankun Yao, Chenning Tao, Qiang Ling, Yusheng Zhang, Zuguang Guan, Daru Chen, Yudong Cui

Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1) : 2.

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Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1) : 2. DOI: 10.1007/s12200-024-00106-6

Transient breathing dynamics during extinction of dissipative solitons in mode-locked fiber lasers

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The utilization of the dispersive Fourier transformation approach has enabled comprehensive observation of the birth process of dissipative solitons in fiber lasers. However, there is still a dearth of deep understanding regarding the extinction process of dissipative solitons. In this study, we have utilized a combination of experimental and numerical techniques to thoroughly examine the breathing dynamics of dissipative solitons during the extinction process in an Er-doped mode-locked fiber laser. The results demonstrate that the transient breathing dynamics have a substantial impact on the extinction stage of both steady-state and breathing-state dissipative solitons. The duration of transient breathing exhibits a high degree of sensitivity to variations in pump power. Numerical simulations are utilized to produce analogous breathing dynamics within the framework of a model that integrates equations characterizing the population inversion in a mode-locked laser. These results corroborate the role of Q-switching instability in the onset of breathing oscillations. Furthermore, these findings offer new possibilities for the advancement of various operational frameworks for ultrafast lasers.

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Breathing soliton / Fiber laser / Dispersive Fourier transform / Q-switched instability

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Zichuan Yuan, Si Luo, Ke Dai, Xiankun Yao, Chenning Tao, Qiang Ling, Yusheng Zhang, Zuguang Guan, Daru Chen, Yudong Cui. Transient breathing dynamics during extinction of dissipative solitons in mode-locked fiber lasers. Front. Optoelectron., 2024, 17(1): 2


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