Optical trapping using transverse electromagnetic (TEM)-like mode in a coaxial nanowaveguide
Yuanhao LOU, Xiongjie NING, Bei WU, Yuanjie PANG
Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2021, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4) : 399-406.
Optical trapping using transverse electromagnetic (TEM)-like mode in a coaxial nanowaveguide
Optical traps have emerged as powerful tools for immobilizing and manipulating small particles in three dimensions. Fiber-based optical traps (FOTs) significantly simplify optical setup by creating trapping centers with single or multiple pieces of optical fibers. In addition, they inherit the flexibility and robustness of fiber-optic systems. However, trapping 10-nm-diameter nanoparticles (NPs) using FOTs remains challenging. In this study, we model a coaxial waveguide that works in the optical regime and supports a transverse electromagnetic (TEM)-like mode for NP trapping. Single NPs at waveguide front-end break the symmetry of TEM-like guided mode and lead to high transmission efficiency at far-field, thereby strongly altering light momentum and inducing a large-scale back-action on the particle. We demonstrate, via finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, that this FOT allows for trapping single 10-nm-diameter NPs at low power.
fiber-based optical trap (FOT) / optical waveguides / optical apertures / metal nanophotonic structures / self-induced back-action / plasmonic optical trapping
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