Interface phonon polariton coupling to enhance graphene absorption
Zhenyao CHEN, Junjie MEI, Ye ZHANG, Jishu TAN, Qing XIONG, Changhong CHEN
Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2021, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4) : 445-449.
Interface phonon polariton coupling to enhance graphene absorption
Here we present a graphene photodetector of which the graphene and structural system infrared absorptions are enhanced by interface phonon polariton (IPhP) coupling. IPhPs are supported at the SiC/AlN interface of device structure and used to excite interband transitions of the intrinsic graphene under gated-field tuning. The simulation results show that at normal incidence the absorbance of graphene or system reaches up to 43% or closes to unity in a mid-infrared frequency range. In addition, we found the peak-absorption frequency is mainly decided by the AlN thickness, and it has a red-shift as the thickness decreases. This structure has great application potential in graphene infrared detection technology.
interface phonon polariton (IPhP) / infrared absorption enhancement / graphene photodetector
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