Intermediate-band solar cells based on dilute alloys and quantum dots

Weiming WANG, Jun YANG, Xin ZHU, Jamie PHILLIPS

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Front. Optoelectron. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s12200-011-0151-z

Intermediate-band solar cells based on dilute alloys and quantum dots

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This paper describes our recent developments of intermediate-band solar cells, with a focus on the use of dilute alloys and nanostructured materials such as quantum dots (QDs). The concept of “full-spectrum” solar cells and their working mechanism with various material structures are first illustrated. A comprehensive review of ZnTe:O-based intermediate-band solar cells, including material growth, structural and chemical analysis, device modeling and testing, are presented. Finally, the progress and challenges of quantum-dot-based solar cells are discussed.


full-spectrum solar cell / intermediate band / dilute alloy / quantum dot (QD)

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Weiming WANG, Jun YANG, Xin ZHU, Jamie PHILLIPS. Intermediate-band solar cells based on dilute alloys and quantum dots. Front Optoelec Chin,


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