ChromTR: chromosome detection in raw metaphase cell images via deformable transformers

Chao Xia, Jiyue Wang, Xin You, Yaling Fan, Bing Chen, Saijuan Chen, Jie Yang

Front. Med. ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6) : 1100-1114.

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Front. Med. ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6) : 1100-1114. DOI: 10.1007/s11684-024-1098-y

ChromTR: chromosome detection in raw metaphase cell images via deformable transformers

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Chromosome karyotyping is a critical way to diagnose various hematological malignancies and genetic diseases, of which chromosome detection in raw metaphase cell images is the most critical and challenging step. In this work, focusing on the joint optimization of chromosome localization and classification, we propose ChromTR to accurately detect and classify 24 classes of chromosomes in raw metaphase cell images. ChromTR incorporates semantic feature learning and class distribution learning into a unified DETR-based detection framework. Specifically, we first propose a Semantic Feature Learning Network (SFLN) for semantic feature extraction and chromosome foreground region segmentation with object-wise supervision. Next, we construct a Semantic-Aware Transformer (SAT) with two parallel encoders and a Semantic-Aware decoder to integrate global visual and semantic features. To provide a prediction with a precise chromosome number and category distribution, a Category Distribution Reasoning Module (CDRM) is built for foreground–background objects and chromosome class distribution reasoning. We evaluate ChromTR on 1404 newly collected R-band metaphase images and the public G-band dataset AutoKary2022. Our proposed ChromTR outperforms all previous chromosome detection methods with an average precision of 92.56% in R-band chromosome detection, surpassing the baseline method by 3.02%. In a clinical test, ChromTR is also confident in tackling normal and numerically abnormal karyotypes. When extended to the chromosome enumeration task, ChromTR also demonstrates state-of-the-art performances on R-band and G-band two metaphase image datasets. Given these superior performances to other methods, our proposed method has been applied to assist clinical karyotype diagnosis.


chromosome detection / deformable transformer / metaphase cell image / distribution reasoning

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Chao Xia, Jiyue Wang, Xin You, Yaling Fan, Bing Chen, Saijuan Chen, Jie Yang. ChromTR: chromosome detection in raw metaphase cell images via deformable transformers. Front. Med., 2024, 18(6): 1100‒1114


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This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81670137), SJTU Trans-med Awards Research (No. 20220102), and State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics Support (No. 201802)

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Conflict of interests Chao Xia, Jiyue Wang, Xin You, Yaling Fan, Bing Chen, and Jie Yang declare that they have no conflict of interest. Saijuan Chen is one of Editors-in-Chief of Frontiers of Medicine, and she was excluded from the peer-review process and all editorial decisions related to the acceptance and publication of this article. Peer-review was handled independently by the other editors to minimise bias.
This study does not involve a research protocol that requires the approval of relevant institutional review board or ethics committee.


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