Prevalence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked products and its comparison with isolates from listeriosis cases

Hong Wang, Lijuan Luo, Zhengdong Zhang, Jianping Deng, Yan Wang, Yimao Miao, Ling Zhang, Xi Chen, Xiang Liu, Songsong Sun, Bo Xiao, Qun Li, Changyun Ye

Front. Med. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1) : 104-112.

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Front. Med. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1) : 104-112. DOI: 10.1007/s11684-017-0593-9

Prevalence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked products and its comparison with isolates from listeriosis cases

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This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked products in Zigong City, China. The overall occurrence of the L. monocytogenes in the ready-to-eat (RTE) shops and mutton restaurants surveyed was 16.2% (141/873). An occurrence of 13.5% was observed in RTE pork, 6.5% in RTE vegetables, and more than 24.0% in either cooked mutton or cooked haggis. Serotype 1/2b (45.4%), 1/2a (33.3%), and 1/2c (14.2%) were the predominant types. By comparing the clonal complexes (CCs) based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of the L. monocytogenes from cooked foods in Zigong City and 33 listeriosis cases from different districts of China, CC87, CC9, CC8, and CC3 were showed to be prevalent in cooked products and CC87 and CC3 were the first two frequent types in the 33 clinic-source strains. All CC87 stains harbored the newly reported Listeria pathogenicity island 4 (LIPI-4) gene fragment ptsA, and all CC3 strains possessed the Listeria pathogenicity island 3 (LIPI-3) gene fragment llsX. These may increase the occurrence of the strains belonging to CC87 and CC3 in listeriosis cases in China and also underline the risk of infection owing to the consumption of the cooked products from Zigong. ST619 (serotype 1/2b) harbored both llsX and ptsA, indicating a potential hypervirulent sequence type in Zigong.


Listeria monocytogenes / MLST / LIPI-3 / LIPI-4 / RTE / listeriosis

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Hong Wang, Lijuan Luo, Zhengdong Zhang, Jianping Deng, Yan Wang, Yimao Miao, Ling Zhang, Xi Chen, Xiang Liu, Songsong Sun, Bo Xiao, Qun Li, Changyun Ye. Prevalence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked products and its comparison with isolates from listeriosis cases. Front. Med., 2018, 12(1): 104‒112


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This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (No. 2013ZX10004-101), State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, China CDC (No. 2015SKLID507), and National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC (No. 2016ZZKTB09). We thank the team of curators of the Institute Pasteur MLST system (Paris, France) for importing novel alleles, profiles and/or isolates at

Compliance with ethics guidelines

Hong Wang, Lijuan Luo, Zhengdong Zhang, Jianping Deng, Yan Wang, Yimao Miao, Ling Zhang, Xi Chen, Xiang Liu, Songsong Sun, Bo Xiao, Qun Li, and Changyun Ye declare that they have no conflict of interest. This manuscript does not involve a research protocol requiring approval from relevant institutional review board or ethics committee.

Electronic Supplementary Material

Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at 10.1007/s11684-017-0593-9 and is accessible for authorized users.


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