Severe hepatoxicity caused by aspirin overdose: a case report
Zhuping Cao, Shiqi Liu, Jianhua Niu, Bing Wei, Jie Xu
Severe hepatoxicity caused by aspirin overdose: a case report
We report here the rare case of a 61-year-old man with multiple organ dysfunction caused by an aspirin overdose (4 g orally). The patient presented with a fever that reached 39.2 °C, a peptic ulcer, and massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. His blood test results were as follows: white blood cell count, 1.8×109/L; absolute lymphocytes, 0.4×109/L; absolute neutrophils, 1.2×109/L; and electrolyte disturbances. A computed tomography (CT) scan showed evidence of bilateral inferior pulmonary infection and acute pancreatitis. Thick dark bile with visible floccule was drawn via a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage (PTCD). Klebsiella pneumoniae was detected in microbiological bile tests. Two years later, the patient died of chronic liver failure.
aspirin / side effects / liver failure
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