Insult of gastroesophageal reflux on airway: clinical significance of pharyngeal nozzle

Zhonggao Wang, Zhiwei Hu, Jimin Wu, Feng Ji, Hongtao Wang, Yungang Lai, Xiang Gao, Yachan Ning, Chengchao Zhang, Zhitong Li, Weitao Liang, Jianjun Liu

Front. Med. ›› 2015, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1) : 117-122.

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Front. Med. ›› 2015, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1) : 117-122. DOI: 10.1007/s11684-014-0343-1

Insult of gastroesophageal reflux on airway: clinical significance of pharyngeal nozzle

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At the very time of global paying the highest attention to the worst insults of smoking as well as haze on the airway, everybody knows both are exogenous and noticeable. However, people mostly, including many medical personnel, do not know how badly the gastroesophageal reflux (GER) insults on our own airway. Symptoms of GER are commonly seen as heartburn and regurgitation, which can be mostly tolerated. However, when the up going gastric content reversely passes the esophagus and then the distal pharynx, where it appears a beak like stricture, serving as a nozzle, so as to produce numerous micro-particles and reach the oro-nasal cavity and also the airway causing allergic rhinitis and asthmatic attacks, even pulmonary parenchyma lesions. It will reduce life quality or even jeopardize life. The point that the endogenous insult appears in the respiratory system, but originates from the digestive tract is not well known and often undiagnosed and not correctly treated. The GER induced airway challenge is a treatable and preventive entity, as soon as a diagnosis is made, a good relief could be expected by means of life style adjustment, medicine, or fixation of the patulous cardia through radiofrequency or fundoplication. The author Dr. Zhonggao Wang had suffered it for long and symptoms disappeared for 8 years after anti-reflux surgery. Here is a presentation of Dr. Zhonggao Wang and his team’s work and would call attention to the public so as to recognize this relatively unknown entity — a treatable condition occurring from human itself, but not from outside surroundings as smoking or haze does.


gastroesophageal reflux / airway / pharyngeal nozzle / micro-aspiration / asthma

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Zhonggao Wang, Zhiwei Hu, Jimin Wu, Feng Ji, Hongtao Wang, Yungang Lai, Xiang Gao, Yachan Ning, Chengchao Zhang, Zhitong Li, Weitao Liang, Jianjun Liu. Insult of gastroesophageal reflux on airway: clinical significance of pharyngeal nozzle. Front. Med., 2015, 9(1): 117‒122


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