Exome sequencing greatly expedites the progressive research of Mendelian diseases

Xuejun Zhang

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Front. Med. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1) : 42-57. DOI: 10.1007/s11684-014-0303-9

Exome sequencing greatly expedites the progressive research of Mendelian diseases

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The advent of whole-exome sequencing (WES) has facilitated the discovery of rare structure and functional genetic variants. Combining exome sequencing with linkage studies is one of the most efficient strategies in searching disease genes for Mendelian diseases. WES has achieved great success in the past three years for Mendelian disease genetics and has identified over 150 new Mendelian disease genes. We illustrate the workflow of exome capture and sequencing to highlight the advantages of WES. We also indicate the progress and limitations of WES that can potentially result in failure to identify disease-causing mutations in part of patients. With an affordable cost, WES is expected to become the most commonly used tool for Mendelian disease gene identification. The variants detected cumulatively from previous WES studies will be widely used in future clinical services.


genetics / whole-exome sequencing / Mendelian disease / disease gene

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Xuejun Zhang. Exome sequencing greatly expedites the progressive research of Mendelian diseases. Front Med, 2014, 8(1): 42‒57 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-014-0303-9


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Aldahmesh MA, Mohamed JY, Alkuraya HS, Verma IC, Puri RD, Alaiya AA, Rizzo WB, Alkuraya FS. Recessive mutations in ELOVL4 cause ichthyosis, intellectual disability, and spastic quadriplegia. Am J Hum Genet2011; 89(6): 745-750
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Sergouniotis PI, Davidson AE, Mackay DS, Li Z, Yang X, Plagnol V, Moore AT, Webster AR. Recessive mutations in KCNJ13, encoding an inwardly rectifying potassium channel subunit, cause leber congenital amaurosis. Am J Hum Genet2011; 89(1): 183-190
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Erlich Y, Edvardson S, Hodges E, Zenvirt S, Thekkat P, Shaag A, Dor T, Hannon GJ, Elpeleg O. Exome sequencing and disease-network analysis of a single family implicate a mutation in KIF1A in hereditary spastic paraparesis. Genome Res2011; 21(5): 658-664
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Tsurusaki Y, Osaka H, Hamanoue H, Shimbo H, Tsuji M, Doi H, Saitsu H, Matsumoto N, Miyake N. Rapid detection of a mutation causing X-linked leucoencephalopathy by exome sequencing. J Med Genet2011; 48(9): 606-609
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Simpson MA, Deshpande C, Dafou D, Vissers LE, Woollard WJ, Holder SE, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Derks R, White SM, Cohen-Snuijf R, Kant SG, Hoefsloot LH, Reardon W, Brunner HG, Bongers EM, Trembath RC. De novo mutations of the gene encoding the histone acetyltransferase KAT6B cause Genitopatellar syndrome. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(2): 290-294
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Bochukova E, Schoenmakers N, Agostini M, Schoenmakers E, Rajanayagam O, Keogh JM, Henning E, Reinemund J, Gevers E, Sarri M, Downes K, Offiah A, Albanese A, Halsall D, Schwabe JW, Bain M, Lindley K, Muntoni F, Vargha-Khadem F, Dattani M, Farooqi IS, Gurnell M, Chatterjee K. A mutation in the thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene. N Engl J Med2012; 366(3): 243-249
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Ostergaard P, Simpson MA, Mendola A, Vasudevan P, Connell FC, van Impel A, Moore AT, Loeys BL, Ghalamkarpour A, Onoufriadis A, Martinez-Corral I, Devery S, Leroy JG, van Laer L, Singer A, Bialer MG, McEntagart M, Quarrell O, Brice G, Trembath RC, Schulte-Merker S, Makinen T, Vikkula M, Mortimer PS, Mansour S, Jeffery S. Mutations in KIF11 cause autosomal-dominant microcephaly variably associated with congenital lymphedema and chorioretinopathy. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(2): 356-362
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Depienne C, Bouteiller D, Méneret A, Billot S, Groppa S, Klebe S, Charbonnier-Beaupel F, Corvol JC, Saraiva JP, Brueggemann N, Bhatia K, Cincotta M, Brochard V, Flamand-Roze C, Carpentier W, Meunier S, Marie Y, Gaussen M, Stevanin G, Wehrle R, Vidailhet M, Klein C, Dusart I, Brice A, Roze E. RAD51 haploinsufficiency causes congenital mirror movements in humans. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(2): 301-307
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Lines MA, Huang L, Schwartzentruber J, Douglas SL, Lynch DC, Beaulieu C, Guion-Almeida ML, Zechi-Ceide RM, Gener B, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Nava C, Baujat G, Horn D, Kini U, Caliebe A, Alanay Y, Utine GE, Lev D, Kohlhase J, Grix AW, Lohmann DR, Hehr U, Böhm D, Majewski J, Bulman DE, Wieczorek D, Boycott KM; Collaborators: Boycott K, Friedman J, Michaud J, Bernier F, Brudno M, Fernandez B, Knoppers B, Samuels M, Scherer S. Haploinsufficiency of a spliceosomal GTPase encoded by EFTUD2 causes mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(2): 369-377
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Harms MB, Sommerville RB, Allred P, Bell S, Ma D, Cooper P, Lopate G, Pestronk A, Weihl CC, Baloh RH. Exome sequencing reveals DNAJB6 mutations in dominantly-inherited myopathy. Ann Neurol2012; 71(3): 407-416
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Kirwan M, Walne AJ, Plagnol V, Velangi M, Ho A, Hossain U, Vulliamy T, Dokal I. Exome sequencing identifies autosomal-dominant SRP72 mutations associated with familial aplasia and myelodysplasia. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(5): 888-892
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Lee H, Graham JM Jr, Rimoin DL, Lachman RS, Krejci P, Tompson SW, Nelson SF, Krakow D, Cohn DH. Exome sequencing identifies PDE4D mutations in acrodysostosis. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(4): 746-751
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Lin Z, Chen Q, Lee M, Cao X, Zhang J, Ma D, Chen L, Hu X, Wang H, Wang X, Zhang P, Liu X, Guan L, Tang Y, Yang H, Tu P, Bu D, Zhu X, Wang K, Li R, Yang Y. Exome sequencing reveals mutations in TRPV3 as a cause of Olmsted syndrome. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(3): 558-564
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Bernier FP, Caluseriu O, Ng S, Schwartzentruber J, Buckingham KJ, Innes AM, Jabs EW, Innis JW, Schuette JL, Gorski JL, Byers PH, Andelfinger G, Siu V, Lauzon J, Fernandez BA, McMillin M, Scott RH, Racher H, Majewski J, Nickerson DA, Shendure J, Bamshad MJ, Parboosingh JS; Collaborators: Boycott K, Friedman J, Michaud J, Bernier F, Brudno M, Fernandez B, Knoppers B, Samuels M, Scherer S. Haploinsufficiency of SF3B4, a component of the pre-mRNA spliceosomal complex, causes Nager syndrome. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(5): 925-933
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Zankl A, Duncan EL, Leo PJ, Clark GR, Glazov EA, Addor MC, Herlin T, Kim CA, Leheup BP, McGill J, McTaggart S, Mittas S, Mitchell AL, Mortier GR, Robertson SP, Schroeder M, Terhal P, Brown MA. Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis is caused by mutations clustering in the amino-terminal transcriptional activation domain of MAFB. Am J Hum Genet2012; 90(3): 494-501
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Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Ohashi H, Kosho T, Imai Y, Hibi-Ko Y, Kaname T, Naritomi K, Kawame H, Wakui K, Fukushima Y, Homma T, Kato M, Hiraki Y, Yamagata T, Yano S, Mizuno S, Sakazume S, Ishii T, Nagai T, Shiina M, Ogata K, Ohta T, Niikawa N, Miyatake S, Okada I, Mizuguchi T, Doi H, Saitsu H, Miyake N, Matsumoto N. Mutations affecting components of the SWI/SNF complex cause Coffin-Siris syndrome. Nat Genet2012; 44(4): 376-378
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Santen GW, Aten E, Sun Y, Almomani R, Gilissen C, Nielsen M, Kant SG, Snoeck IN, Peeters EA, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Wessels MW, den Hollander NS, Ruivenkamp CA, van Ommen GJ, Breuning MH, den Dunnen JT, van Haeringen A, Kriek M. Mutations in SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex gene ARID1B cause Coffin-Siris syndrome. Nat Genet2012; 44(4): 379-380
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Austin ED, Ma L, LeDuc C, Berman Rosenzweig E, Borczuk A, Phillips JA 3rd, Palomero T, Sumazin P, Kim HR, Talati MH, West J, Loyd JE, Chung WK. Whole exome sequencing to identify a novel gene (caveolin-1) associated with human pulmonary arterial hypertension. Circ Cardiovasc Genet2012; 5(3): 336-343
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Qi XP, Du ZF, Ma JM, Chen XL, Zhang Q, Fei J, Wei XM, Chen D, Ke HP, Liu XZ, Li F, Chen ZG, Su Z, Jin HY, Liu WT, Zhao Y, Jiang HL, Lan ZZ, Li PF, Fang MY, Dong W, Zhang XN. Genetic diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by targeted capture and next-generation sequencing: utility and limitations. Gene2013; 516(1): 93-100
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Charlesworth G, Plagnol V, Holmström KM, Bras J, Sheerin UM, Preza E, Rubio-Agusti I, Ryten M, Schneider SA, Stamelou M, Trabzuni D, Abramov AY, Bhatia KP, Wood NW. Mutations in ANO3 cause dominant craniocervical dystonia: ion channel implicated in pathogenesis. Am J Hum Genet2012; 91(6): 1041-1050
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Barwick KE, Wright J, Al-Turki S, McEntagart MM, Nair A, Chioza B, Al-Memar A, Modarres H, Reilly MM, Dick KJ, Ruggiero AM, Blakely RD, Hurles ME, Crosby AH. Defective presynaptic choline transport underlies hereditary motor neuropathy. Am J Hum Genet2012; 91(6): 1103-1107
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Heron SE, Smith KR, Bahlo M, Nobili L, Kahana E, Licchetta L, Oliver KL, Mazarib A, Afawi Z, Korczyn A, Plazzi G, Petrou S, Berkovic SF, Scheffer IE, Dibbens LM. Missense mutations in the sodium-gated potassium channel gene KCNT1 cause severe autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. Nat Genet2012; 44(11): 1188-1190
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Gao J, Xue J, Chen L, Ke X, Qi Y, Liu Y. Whole exome sequencing identifies a novel DFNA9 mutation, C162Y. Clin Genet2013; 83(5): 477-481
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