Journal updates

Call for Nomination - FESE Young Talent Award 2022
The award
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE) is an internationally peer-reviewed scientific journal that aims to advance and disseminate knowledge in a wide range of environmental disciplines, and to promotes interchange of ideas between environmental scientists and engineers in China and around the world.

FESE is also committed to recognizing the special contributions and achievements of professionals in environmental science and engineering. Journal publishing and awards to the outstanding professionals and achievements jointly make FESE become a vehicle for innovation, development, and application of solutions for environmental protection and sustainable development.

The FESE calls for nomination for the journal’s first Young Talent Award targeting exceptional environmental science and engineering professionals who have made significant achievements in their careers and demonstrated high potential to transform future environmental science and engineering.

The FESE Young Talent Award is open to environmental science and engineering professionals at 45 or younger. Public nomination is now open. Self-nomination is allowed.

Process of Nomination and Selection
Nominations are open to everyone, but the nominee must meet the Eligibility Criteria. All applications are made on a confidential basis. Nominations must be submitted following the instructions below.

Submitting a Nomination
•Please fill the nomination form
•At least one letter of recommendation from FESE editorial board members is required. 
•A CV of the nominee is required.
•A review article about the nominee’s works. It is not required for the nomination process but is required after the selection. The review article should be submitted to the FESE manuscript center.
•The nomination package should be sent to the FESE award office ( by December 20th, 2021

Award Selection Criteria
•The nominee’s work should be within the scope of FESE journal
•The nominee’s vision and motivation for environmental science, engineering,  and/or sustainable development
•The nominee’s work quality and novelty that can transform environmental studies and practices 
•The impact of the nominee’s work on regional or global community in the perspectives of science, engineering, and/or public service. 

Selection Process
Round 1 – Nomination (by December 20th, 2021)
Required: the nomination form, a letter from the nominator, and the nominee’s CV.

Selection of the Top 4 Candidates (by February 28th, 2022)
The judges will assess all nominations and pick the top 4 candidates to invite the submission of a review article.

Round 2 – Review Article Submission (by May 31st, 2022)
The review article will be peer-reviewed. 

The final award winners will be announced by the Editor-in-Chiefs in October 2022.
The review articles will be published on FESE, Issue 12, 2022, and labeled as “Young Talent” with the winner’s biography. The winners will also be favorably considered for FESE’s editorial board member selection.

For inquiries, please contact Dr. Jiao Zhang (

Pubdate: 2021-11-22    Viewed: 1095