Numerical modeling and performance evaluation of passive convergence-permeable reactive barrier (PC-PRB)

Kaixuan Zheng, Dong Xie, Yiqi Tan, Zhenjiang Zhuo, Tan Chen, Hongtao Wang, Ying Yuan, Junlong Huang, Tianwei Sun, Fangming Xu, Yuecen Dong, Ximing Liang

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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (11) : 131. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-023-1731-z

Numerical modeling and performance evaluation of passive convergence-permeable reactive barrier (PC-PRB)

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● A 2D finite-element solute transport model, PRB-Trans, is developed.

● PC-PRB can significantly improve the remediation efficiency of PRB.

● PC-PRB can considerably reduce the required PRB dimensions and materials costs.

● The required PRB length decreases with the increase of pipe length, L p.


The passive convergence-permeable reactive barrier (PC-PRB) was proposed to address the limitations of traditional PRB configurations. To evaluate the hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of the PC-PRB system, we developed a simulation code named PRB-Trans. This code uses the two-dimensional (2D) finite element method to simulate groundwater flow and solute transport. Case studies demonstrate that PC-PRB technology is more efficient and cost-effective than continuous permeable reactive barrier (C-PRB) in treating the same contaminated plume. Implementation of PC-PRB technology results in a 33.3% and 72.7% reduction in PRB length (LPRB) and height (HPRB), respectively, while increasing 2D horizontal and 2D vertical pollutant treatment efficiencies of PRB by 87.8% and 266.8%, respectively. In addition, the PC-PRB technology has the ability to homogenize the pollutant concentration and pollutant flux through the PRB system, which can mitigate the problems arising from uneven distribution of pollutants in the C-PRB to some extent. The LPRB required for PC-PRB decreases as the water pipe length (Lp) increases, while the HPRB required initially decreases and then increases with increasing Lp. The effect of passive well height (Hw) on HPRB is not as significant as that of Lp on HPRB. Overall, PC-PRB presents a promising and advantageous PRB configuration in the effective treatment of various types of contaminated plumes.

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Passive convergence-permeable reactive barrier / Numerical modeling / Hydraulic behavior assessment / Pollutant treatment performance evaluation / Influential factors analysis

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Kaixuan Zheng, Dong Xie, Yiqi Tan, Zhenjiang Zhuo, Tan Chen, Hongtao Wang, Ying Yuan, Junlong Huang, Tianwei Sun, Fangming Xu, Yuecen Dong, Ximing Liang. Numerical modeling and performance evaluation of passive convergence-permeable reactive barrier (PC-PRB). Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2023, 17(11): 131


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This study was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC1802306) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42177177).

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